Inventory Manager

This is an application where a user is able to create and view inventory item. All inventory items created will appear on the homepage(Inventory Index)

Items can be added to pending shipment and inventory will adjust accordingly. Shipment status can be changed to shipped. You will not be able to delete items from shipments that are shipped.

This is an application built with the ruby on rails template generated from replit in order to ensure stability. The code is mostly Ruby with some html and CSS

Table of Contents


  • Ruby on rails framework

  • Ruby

  • SQlite

  • Html

  • CSS


The application is intended to run on replit.

If you wish to run the application locally the following cli commands need to be executed

  bundle: install
  rails db:migrate
  rails db:seed (optional)
  rails s

The server will run on port 3000 to access it on browser go to http://localhost:3000/


DB Schema



The homepage is the Items Index


Create Inventory Item

Create Item

Item Description: must be unique and not left blank

Item Quantity: must be an integer greater or equal to 0

Edit Inventory Item

Edit Item

Changing quantity or name

Items can be deleted only if they are not in a shipment

If shipment is shipped item cannot be deleted

Ship Inventory Item

Edit Item

Cannot ship more than what is available in inventory

Quantity must be an integer greater than 0

Only pending or unshipped shipment will appear as a selection

Shipment Index

Shipment Index Shipment Index

When shipment is confirmed ability to delete shipment is removed

Creates shipments with a default status of pending

Shipment Show Page

Shipment Show Shipment Show

When shipment is confirmed ability to edit shipment is removed

Shipment Edit Page

Shipment Edit Shipment Edit

Able to delete items from shipments and return quantity to inventory only if shipment status is pending

Able to delete the entire shipment and return quantities to inventories only if shipment status is pending


Model tests for items and shipped_items

Controller tests for items, shiments and shipped_items

To run all tests, run the following command in the cli

  rails test

To run only the model tests, run the following command in the cli

   rails test test/models

To run only the controller tests, run the following command in the cli

   rails test test/controllers