
Polynomial curve-fitter Shiny app code for Developing Data Products Coursera course

Primary LanguageR

polynomialFitterShinyApp Repository

This project was done for the Developing Data Products course which is course 9 of the Coursera Data Science Specialization, in which we were asked to develop and document a Shiny app of our own devising. The repo contains R code in two different but equivalent forms for a Shiny app that allows you to do polynomial curve fitting on data passed to the app via a .csv file.

Basic documentation and a walk-through of the app's functionality are at the project webage at: https://gchadder3.github.io/polynomialFitterShinyApp/polyfitter.html

The alternate code implementations are:

  • app.R: a single-file implementation of the app (the newest way of doing Shiny apps)
  • ui.R and server.R: an old-style two-file implememtation of the same app

Some demo data (to upload to the app) is at: https://github.com/gchadder3/polynomialFitterShinyApp/raw/master/demofits.csv