
Modifications to Moodle to allow multiple sites/domains to be served from a single Moodle install

Primary LanguagePHP

README      $Id: README,v 1.0 2011/04/30 13:52:10 gchaix Exp $

Multi-site capability for Moodle

This is a very simple hack that allows a single installation of the Moodle code
to serve multiple sites simultaneously.  It's proven itself to be reliable and
bug-free over five years in production with 400+ sites on a single Moodle

Tested with Moodle 1.9.4 -> 1.9.9.

Note - if you're not comfortable messing around in bash on the server and 
editing config files by hand, this might not be the best solution for you.

To install:

1)  Download the current stable Moodle 1.9.x tarball and extract it somewhere 
useful.  Example: /var/www/moodle/htdocs
2)  Create a "moodlesites" directory for the site configuration files outside 
the Moodle document root.  Like the moodledata directory , this directory 
should not be accessible from the web.  Example: /var/www/moodle/moodlesites
3)  Create the "moodledata" directory. Make sure it is writable by the web 
server.  Example: /var/www/moodle/moodledata
4)  Create INI files for each site you want to host.  Copy the 
template.example.com.ini file to Moodle.site.FQDN.ini.  Edit the file to
reflect your database credentials, system paths, etc.
5)  Copy the moodleroot/config.php to the newly-extracted Moodle document root
instead of creating and editing the config.php via the standard Moodle method.
The included config.php should work without modification if you extracted the
Moodle tarball to /var/www/moodle/htdocs, otherwise you will need to edit the 
"$CFG->dirroot" line in section "0.1 Multi-host config" to match the actual
6)  Create the database per the standard Moodle instructions.
6.5)  (OPTIONAL) If you're like me and you use a pre-configured database dump 
as a template, load it into the database here.
7)  Navigate to http://moodle.site.fqdn to complete the installation. 

To add new sites:
1)  Create a database per the standard Moodle instructions.
2)  Create a newsite.example.com.ini file in the moodlesites directory and edit
it to add the database credentials.
2.5)  (OPTIONAL) If you use a pre-configured database dump as a template, load 
it into the database here.
3)  Navigate to http://newsite.example.com to complete the installation.

Questions, comments, suggested improvements are always welcome!

Greg Lund-Chaix
Oregon State University Open Source Lab