
Download Google Fonts in Grunt jobs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Download Google Fonts in Grunt jobs

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt >=0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

yarn add -D grunt-google-fonts


npm install grunt-google-fonts --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "googlefonts" task



Type: String Default value: ./

Specify directory to store fonts.


Type: String Boolean Default value: false

Path to store the generated css file.


Type: String Boolean Default value: false

Path to store the generated legacy (non woff2) css file.


Type: String Boolean Default value: false

Override http path in css file. This helps if you are hosting fonts from the CDN domain (eg. value https://my-super-fast.cdn/fonts/ will set the font path as https://my-super-fast.cdn/fonts/open-sans-300.woff). On false this will fallback to fontPath.


Type: Object Default value: { eot: false, ttf: false, woff: false, woff2: true, svg: false }

Set formats to download. Defaults to woff2 that covers all modern browsers. For more information about format support, see caniuse entries for EOT, TTF, WOFF, WOFF2 and SVG.


Type: Array Default value: []

Fonts to download. This is an array of objects with font specific config.


Type: String

Font name.


Type: Array

Array of font styles. Eg. [300] or [300, 400, '400italic'].


Type: Array

Array of font subsets. Eg. ['latin', 'cyrillic']. This option is ommitted on woff2 fonts.


Type: String

Restrict font to specified letters to make it smaller.

Usage Examples

Basic Options

This example includes all the functionality needed for basic use.

  googlefonts: {
    build: {
      options: {
        fontPath: 'fonts/',
        cssFile: 'fonts/fonts.css',
        fonts: [
            family: 'Open Sans',
            styles: [
              400, 700

Custom Options

If you need more browser and charset support, this example is for you.

  googlefonts: {
    build: {
      options: {
        fontPath: 'fonts/',
        cssFile: 'fonts/fonts.css',
        formats: {
          eot: true,
          woff: true,
          svg: true
        fonts: [
            family: 'Open Sans',
            subsets: [
            styles: [
              300, 400, 700
            family: 'Droid Sans',
            styles: [
              400, 700
            family: 'Lato',
            text: 'My logo',
            styles: [