
A django app that provides HTML input sanitization or cleaning utilities

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Django Sanitizer

Django sanitizer is an app that provides a set of utilities to easily sanitize/clean HTML inputs in django. This app is built on top of bleach, the excellent Python HTML sanitizer.



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Model Usage

Similar to bleach, django sanitizer is a whitelist (only allows specified tags and attributes) based HTML sanitizer. Django sanitizer provides two model fields that automatically sanitizes text values; SanitizedCharField and SanitizedTextField.

These fields accept three extra arguments: - allowed_tags: a list of allowed HTML tags - allowed_attributes: a list of allowed HTML attributes - strip: a boolean indicating whether offending tags/attributes should be escaped or stripped

Here's how to use it in django models:

from django.db import models
from sanitizer.models import SanitizedCharField, SanitizedTextField

class MyModel(models.Model):
    # Allow only <a>, <p>, <img> tags and "href" and "src" attributes
    foo = SanitizedCharField(max_length=255, allowed_tags=['a', 'p', 'img'],
                             allowed_attributes=['href', 'src'], strip=False)
    bar = SanitizedTextField(max_length=255, allowed_tags=['a', 'p', 'img'],
                             allowed_attributes=['href', 'src'], strip=False)

Form Usage

Using django sanitizer in django forms is very similar to model usage:

from django import forms
from sanitizer.forms import SanitizedCharField, SanitizedTextField

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    # Allow only <a>, <p>, <img> tags and "href" and "src" attributes
    foo = SanitizedCharField(max_length=255, allowed_tags=['a', 'p', 'img'],
                             allowed_attributes=['href', 'src'], strip=False)
    bar = SanitizedTextField(max_length=255, allowed_tags=['a', 'p', 'img'],
                             allowed_attributes=['href', 'src'], strip=False)

Template Usage

Django sanitizer provides two ways of sanitizing HTML in templates:

  • sanitize_text template tag

Example usage:

{% load sanitizer %}
{% sanitize_text post.content "a, p, img" "href, src" %}

Assuming post.content contains the string '<a href ="#">Example</a><script>alert("x")</script>', the above tag will output '<a href ="#">Example</a>&lt;script&gt;alert("x")&lt;/script&gt;'

  • sanitize filter

Sanitizes text based on predefined settings. To use this filter you need to put these variables on settings.py:

  • SANITIZER_ALLOWED_TAGS - a list of allowed tags (defaults to an empty list)
  • SANITIZER_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES - a list of allowed attributes (defaults to an empty list)
  • SANITIZER_STRIP_TAGS - whether to strip or escape offending tags/attributes (defaults to False)

For example if we have SANITIZER_ALLOWED_TAGS = ['a'], SANITIZER_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES = ['href'] in settings.py, doing:

{% load sanitizer %}
{{ post.content|sanitize }}

Assuming post.content contains the string '<a href ="#">Example</a><script>alert("x")</script>', the above filter will output '<a href ="#">Example</a>&lt;script&gt;alert("x")&lt;/script&gt;'