A simple Exchange OrderBook application written in Elixir using GenServers.
- Elixir 1.11 (OTP 23.1)
After cloning the repo, you can start the application running the iex
inside the project folder:
iex -S mix
How to use
Every exchange is a running genserver. To get a new exchange you can run start_link
iex(1)> {:ok, exchange_pid} = OrderBook.Exchange.start_link()
Sending an instruction
Then you can send an instruction to that process:
iex(2)> OrderBook.Exchange.send_instruction(exchange_pid, %{
... instruction: :new,
... side: :bid,
... price_level_index: 1,
... price: 50.0,
... quantity: 30
... })
An Instruction needs to match the following type:
instruction: :new | :update | :delete,
side: :bid | :ask,
price_level_index: integer(),
price: float(),
quantity: integer()
- If you send an invalid instruction (missing arguments or invalid types) you'll receive an
error - You can send a
instruction without a price/quantity - The
instruction prints an error if you try to update an inexistent price level
Getting the order book
To get the current order book for a given price level depth you can use OrderBook.Exchange.order_book/2
iex(3)> OrderBook.Exchange.order_book(exchange_pid, 2)
%{ask_price: nil, ask_quantity: nil, bid_price: 50.0, bid_quantity: 30},
%{ask_price: nil, ask_quantity: nil, bid_price: nil, bid_quantity: nil}
And that's it! You can spawn as many Exchange processes as you want and send all the instructions you want.