light sequence parser Build Status

light sequence parser is a lightweight opensource library to parse folders and group sequences of files.

It is designed for the VFX industry that needs to work on file sequences rather than movie files.

  • ex : file001.jpg, file002.jpg, file003.jpg is a sequence of 3 files.


  • lightweight
  • parses large folders fast
  • extensible if you need to
  • you can add more parsing strategies
  • you can parse in memory filenames


You will need a C++11 compliant compiler to compile this code.


Will build a static library libsequenceparser.a and a small executable lss to test the library against your filesystem.

If you have GoogleTest installed on you system you can check the code by running

make tests


This project is released under MIT license.

Tested compilers

  • Ubuntu Trusty
    • clang 3.5.0
    • gcc 4.8.4
  • ArchLinux
    • clang 3.7.0-5
    • gcc 5.2.0-2
