Carry propagation adders hardware implementations

List adders

  1. internal (int) (assign {cout, y} = a + b + cin;)
  2. ripple carry adder (rca)
  3. Brent Kung (bk)
  4. Lander Fischer (lf)
  5. Koggle Stone (ks)
  6. Han Carlson (hc) (k=`$clog2($clog2(N))``)
  7. Han Carlson with fixed k=1 and k=2
  8. Conditional sum (cs) split by blocks with k=8 uses "internal" implementations for that blocks. Straightforward implementation leads to $n sqrt(n)$ gate consumption.
  9. Conditional sum (csp). Same as previous, but generate linear gates size;

rca brent_kung ladner_fischer kogge_stone han_carlson conditional_sum

List counters

  1. Simple implement counter with cin (cnt). n depth.
  2. Block (B=8) carry tick-ahead counter (cnt_p). sqrt(n) depth. My own idea.
  3. Lazy (1 bit per tick) high counter (cnt_l). 2log(n) depth. My own idea.
  4. Lazy high counter with pipelined low carry. log(n) depth. My own idea.
  5. Use summator Brent Kung (bk).


Uses siliconcompiler with PDK "asap7", internally uses "yosys" and "openroad".

Design example Koggle Stone with 512 bit: ks512

All designs: all designs

Successful run sorted by fmax:

bits name fmax (Hz) total area (um^2) cell area (um^2) total power (mw) cells
32 cnt_lp 2600460000 381.063 55.5935 6.79493e-06 492
16 cnt_lp 2432360000 189.613 28.3435 3.47708e-06 274
16 cnt_l 2228940000 182.979 27.2792 3.39877e-06 269
64 cnt_lp 2070110000 774.898 111.552 1.36184e-05 963
16 cnt_p 1981050000 128.596 19.6684 2.16325e-06 204
32 cnt_p 1946270000 253.765 38.9723 4.04793e-06 355
16 cnt_bk 1799870000 118.39 18.6624 1.97466e-06 192
128 cnt_lp 1776370000 1575.3 219.793 2.65435e-05 1773
16 cnt 1752120000 116.64 18.3271 1.9596e-06 185
32 cnt_l 1748910000 371.63 54.4271 6.74961e-06 491
64 cnt_p 1606240000 564.538 79.3735 8.86059e-06 697
64 cnt_l 1484360000 762.913 104.976 1.35892e-05 959
32 cnt 1461380000 239.345 38.6807 3.67048e-06 330
128 cnt_p 1296870000 1003.05 144.167 1.5641e-05 1229
128 cnt_l 1195760000 1556.07 211.687 2.67147e-05 1792
32 cnt_bk 1166630000 231.88 35.9105 3.71748e-06 330
64 cnt 1114020000 456.121 69.0655 7.20104e-06 560
64 cnt_bk 765669000 471.226 68.7593 7.16819e-06 601
128 cnt 624556000 930.86 139.108 1.4103e-05 1103
128 cnt_bk 422664000 947.408 136.833 1.40823e-05 1161

Sorted by fmax grouped by bits:

bits name fmax (Hz) total area (um^2) cell area (um^2) total power (mw) cells
64 hc 861524000 987.708 135.784 2.7419e-05 1047
64 ks 839028000 1216.89 162.829 2.91623e-05 1309
64 hc_1k 776311000 997.928 136.075 2.78347e-05 1052
64 bk 720871000 999.634 136.673 2.69754e-05 1050
64 hc_2k 671988000 969.133 133.145 2.72863e-05 1022
64 lf 649157000 1021.94 140.391 2.73897e-05 1071
64 rca 230634000 866.125 121.393 2.55956e-05 992
128 ks 757130000 2631.69 338.81 6.16858e-05 2746
128 hc_1k 719042000 2141.64 279.921 5.73872e-05 2111
128 hc 658924000 2018.51 270.08 5.65534e-05 1955
128 hc_2k 589312000 1991.92 262.644 5.57917e-05 1932
128 bk 428834000 1994.33 266.07 5.43773e-05 1920
128 lf 401456000 2082.1 276.014 5.54764e-05 1980
128 rca 114664000 1731.14 233.105 5.10166e-05 1808
256 ks 648635000 5842.61 733.666 0.00012986 6044
256 hc 604391000 4074 526.425 0.00011226 3827
256 lf 229537000 4234.1 545.977 0.000111535 3926
512 ks 516416000 12440.5 1547.16 0.000271223 12666
512 lf 141624000 8541.63 1094.94 0.00022692 7701
32 cs 1212650000 569.67 75.1599 1.58012e-05 660
32 hc_1k 1104380000 483.021 66.5431 1.35808e-05 529
32 bk 1029700000 490.18 66.9659 1.31513e-05 532
32 hc 1029290000 490.18 67.1409 1.31399e-05 532
32 hc_2k 958594000 480.659 66.4265 1.33601e-05 522
32 int 926423000 494.962 67.5054 1.32424e-05 591
32 ks 915605000 527.942 70.6984 1.38889e-05 574
32 lf 773214000 492.571 67.3596 1.32058e-05 535
32 rca 466051000 432.224 60.507 1.27309e-05 513
16 cs 1618910000 257.206 36.1438 6.90435e-06 335
16 bk 1542510000 236.852 33.9714 6.46972e-06 292
16 hc_2k 1539910000 236.852 33.7964 6.47567e-06 292
16 hc 1539910000 236.852 33.7964 6.47567e-06 292
16 hc_1k 1468210000 231.064 33.7235 6.56837e-06 286
16 ks 1503570000 262.44 36.9166 6.74119e-06 318
16 int 1473150000 245.236 34.8462 6.48895e-06 327
16 lf 1466860000 240.176 34.715 6.47094e-06 298
16 rca 882901000 214.151 31.5511 6.31634e-06 287
8 ks 2287850000 118.973 18.1084 3.23333e-06 173
8 cs 2344320000 112.018 16.6941 3.10738e-06 169
8 lf 2208630000 116.64 17.6126 3.21369e-06 169
8 bk 2177870000 112.587 17.3065 3.18365e-06 166
8 hc 2172770000 112.587 17.3065 3.18137e-06 166
8 hc_2k 2172770000 112.587 17.3065 3.18137e-06 166
8 hc_1k 2170330000 112.587 17.3065 3.17843e-06 166
8 int 2075160000 116.64 17.4668 3.1639e-06 179
8 rca 1683150000 106.376 16.4171 3.1024e-06 165

At first glance it seems that something strange with too many cells with rca. Manually checked setup.topN.rpt shows chain of FAx1_ASAP7_75t_R with INVx2_ASAP7_75t_R length of 30, which is what we want for that design. But expect much less cells usage. That is submodules count in rca32 implementation (build/rtl_rca32/job0/export/1/outputs/

count name
12676 FILLER_ASAP7_75t_R
189 INVx2_ASAP7_75t_R
143 FILLERxp5_ASAP7_75t_R
96 DFFLQNx1_ASAP7_75t_R
30 FAx1_ASAP7_75t_R
26 CKINVDCx8_ASAP7_75t_R
9 BUFx4_ASAP7_75t_R
5 INVx8_ASAP7_75t_R
1 XOR2x1_ASAP7_75t_R
1 XNOR2x1_ASAP7_75t_R
1 HAxp5_ASAP7_75t_R
1 CKINVDCx9p33_ASAP7_75t_R

Total 513 (without both "Fillers" types).


Try to use that technique to improve big design risc-v 32bit core Replace two counters reg [63:0] count_cycle, count_instr; by

        wire count_cycle_cout, count_instr_cout;
        wire counter_cycle_cin=1;
        wire counter_instr_cin;
        rtl_cnt_lp #(64) counter_cycle (clk, resetn, counter_cycle_cin, count_cycle, count_cycle_cout);
        rtl_cnt_lp #(64) counter_instr (clk, resetn, counter_instr_cin, count_instr, count_instr_cout);

Initially in path's 5 between count_ regs. After improve none of them are.

name fmax (Hz) total area (um^2) cell area (um^2) total power (mw) cells
picorev32 532487000 13864.4 1588.74 0.00050851 14203
picorev32+cnt_lp 623204000 (+17.0%) 14462 (+4.3%) 1651.87 (+3.97%) 0.000507378 (-0.22%) 14795 (+4.1%)

Same with fpga synthesis (TWO_CYCLE_ALU=1)

name flags clock period, ns Freq, MHz wns lut ff
picorev32_axi cnt_lp 1.36 735 0.021 1103 801
picorev32_axi 1.535 651 0.072 978 682


Images from [1].

  1. Turcanik, Michal. (2019). Speed Comparison of the Adders in FPGA. 8. 18-23.
  2. Tackdon, Carlson. (1987). Fast area-efficient VLSI adders. 49–56.