
Glassdoor reviews analysis with text and sentiment analysis + topic modeling

Glassdoor Review Text Analysis

Requirement for ITAO 70250 - Unstructured Data Analytics

Glassdoor is a platform for employees, past and current, to provide unfiltered and anonymized information on their companies for potential recruits. For companies, analyzing these reviews and understanding the sentiment and overarching/dominant topics discussed within these reviews could give insight on developments the company could make to improve on its management and human resource initiatives. Seeing which aspects of an employee-employer relationship are most discussed when assessing a company's overall performance could also help human resource managers and business unit leaders understand what's most important to their workforce and prioritize in terms of their management capabilities.

After cleaning the review data for 4 different companies, text and sentiment analyses allowed me to see the overall performance and sentiment for each of the companies, identify which aspects of the employee life are most important to these employees, and understand whether positive or negative aspects had a higher pull on a company's rating. Topic modeling also allowed me to provide the most talked about issues and aspects of employee life and their effect on rating.

Full report: Glassdoor Reviews Analysis