This repository holds the implementation of the second assignment for the Social Network Analysis half-course, which was part of the M.Sc. in Data Science of the Athens University of Economics and Business.
The original assignment description itself is not available in this repo; however, here is an overview of what the code does.
Boggle is a game of words, where, given a board of letters, the players are trying to find words by creating paths from one letter to the (adjacent) other. Re-using the same board letter (with respect to its exact coordinates) is not allowed. The adjacent letters that a player can use are a maximum of 8, depending on whether the current letter "touches" either a border or any already used blocks.
The code of this repo will not make sense on its own, as it only includes a couple of Java classes that are extending the functionality of a given project.
The pdf report on the repo is actually a walk through what has been implemented. You can download and see it in it's original form. However a markdown version of it follows at the end of this README file.
Other than having Java installed, which is the prerequisite to run Java code anyway, it would be greatly convenient to have Eclipse as well.
However, bare in mind that since the original Java project that this repo aimed to expand is not available, you will not be able to run any code in order to see it in action. So this repo could be considered only friendly if you want to have a look.
This is the report for the second assignment in Social Network Analysis. It consists of 2 parts, one for each of the problems.
The provided Virtual Machine was used for this and the steps described in the assignment were followed:
Opened up a terminal and used the
command to substitute to the hduser. -
Started the hadoop filesystem and the mapreduce by triggering the corresponding scripts with the given commands.
Verified that the required processes were running by executing the
command. -
As hduser, I executed the given command, and the output was generated in the user/hduser/output/shortestpaths folder.
Following the instructions, the output file was retrieved and its name was switched to the task id that actually saved the vertices.
This file for me is the task_201705061122_0001_m_000001.txt which can be found in the exe_2_problem_1 folder.
Regarding this problem and before diving into the details, here is an overview of the deliverables:
All the files for the 2nd problem are in the exe_2_problem_2 folder.
In that folder there are:
- the
- the
- 3 boggle input files:
- The one that was already provided -- boggle.txt
- The one that appears in the assignment's pdf -- boggle_example_on_assignment.txt
- The one that I created for the bonus part of the exercise -- boggle_bonus.txt.
Have in mind that the first output (output_boggle.txt) was generated by the given 3*3 graph using the tiny dictionary that was hardcoded and only included 5 words. The other 2 output files are using the enhanced dictionary instead. I didn't include it here but it is the one that is linked in the assignment.
Note that the enhanced dictionary is not included in the deliverables as I suppose it's redundant given that you already have it.
In SimpleBoggleComputation file which is the one that changed the most, there are sufficient comments that describe the thoughts behind the way that things are implemented, so maybe a read through it will be enough! However, here are some more details.
- Imported the SimpleBoggleComputation
- Imported BoggleInputFormat
- The input and output paths were changed accordingly on each execution. The submitted file includes the values of my last execution.
- The computation class argument was changed to the SimpleBoggleComputation
- The SetVertexInputFormatClass was changed to the BoggleInputFormat
SimpleBoggleComputation Here is the logic for the additions in this file. Note that the code is commented enough for a read through to make sense.
- Some imports that were needed have been made, like the Scanner (used to read the dictionary from the file) and the Iterator.
- In order to read a dictionary from a file, I created the getDictionaryFromFile function which gets the filename as input and returns it in the form of a TreeSet of Strings. This function just reads a word from every line in the file and it converts it to Upper Case.
- If we are in the Superstep 0, we have to initialize some things.
- A new TextArrayListWritable object is creatd.
- We extract the letter of the vertex by getting its id converting it to String and keeping only the first character.
- Then we append the TextArrayListWritable object with the actual vertex id as well.
- Lastly we send the message that we constructed to all the edges. Since it is the first step, every vertex has to send the message to every neighbor as no further restrictions apply yet.
- If we are not in the first superstep then it is time for the more interesting computational actions to take place.
- We get the letter of the vertex by getting the id and extracting its first character.
- Then we iterate through all the received messages and for each one of them:
- We create the new word by appending the letter of the current vertex to the first item of the message that is the current constructed word.
- Since the current vertex has been just visited, we don't want it to be re-visited for the chain of the current word. For this reason we get the id and append it to the received message.
- If the currently constructed word corresponds to any word in the dictionary (the full word and not just a prefix) then we add this word to the value(s) of the current vertex. If it already exists, then it is ok to re-add it as it means that the same word can be formed by following different paths that end to this node. This is a detail that seems more like a matter of implementation preference.
- We don't want to send the message now through all the edges but only through those that are meaningful. We achieve this by checking against 2 things:
- Make sure that the target vertex has not already been visited
- Make sure that there exist words with the one that was created now as a prefix. Otherwise it would be pointless. Note that this kind of optimisation saves us potentially from a ton of meaningless message transmissions. Note that we don't want this to hold true because of the current word itself. The word itself has already been checked. So we check for words with at least one more character.
- If any such words exist then, before we send the message to the appropriate edges, we modify the current message by replacing the old word with the new one that was created by the character append.
- Then, we send the message to the vertices that are eligible to receive it. Remember, no pointless communication takes place!
- In order to achieve the previous we didn't – of course – use the sendMessageToAllEdges function that was used at step 0. Instead, we used the SendMessageToMultipleEdges function passing to it the appropriate list and the message.
And that's about it! I am pretty sure that it would perform good which quite bigger boggle board sizes as well – haven't tried it though!