
A digital retro clock written in React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Download on the Apple Store Get it on Google Play

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Replace your old phone into a Digital Clock!


  • Landscape and portrait mode.
  • Multiple fonts.
  • Multiple colors.
  • Battery indicator.
  • English and Spanish languages.
  • AM | PM and 24h formats.
  • Keep the screen awake.


Download and install the libraries:

git clone https://github.com/gchumillas/clockodoro
cd clockodoro

And run the app into the iOS or Android simulators:

yarn iOS     # run the app in the iOS simualtor [OR]
yarn Android # run the app in the Android emulator

Once the app is installed into the simulator, you can start the Expo server and reopen the app to refresh it:

yarn start

Directory Structure

android -- Android app
ios     -- iOS app
assets  -- Images, icons, etc.
src     -- Source code files
  components -- Shareable components
    app      -- App specific components [1]
  intl       -- Translations
  layouts    -- Page layouts
  libs       -- Libraries
  pages      -- Pages [2]
  providers  -- Providers [3]
  store      -- Redux store
  App.js     -- Entry point
  • [1] Some components can be reused in other applications, such as text fields, radio buttons, etc. And others don't. The src/components/app folder contains the components that are "app specific".
  • [2] A "page" is a special type of component used to present "pages". These components are registered in the routing system (see App.js).
  • [3] A "provider" is any function that sends or gets information from an asynchronous resource, such as the System Cache or an external API.

Relevant libraries

Useful command lines

# compile the project to iOS or Android
yarn ios
yarn android
# run ESLint to detect style guide inconsistencies,
# syntax errors, or problematic patterns in the source code
yarn lint 
# run Expo server to start and debug the app
yarn start

Install a new font

  1. Go to Google Fonts and choose a beautiful font.
  2. For example, lets install Averia Libre:
    yarn add @expo-google-fonts/averia-libre
  3. Edit the App.js file and include the font:
      import React from 'react'
      import { NativeRouter, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-native'
      import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
      import { useFonts } from 'expo-font'
    + import {
    +   AveriaLibre_400Regular as averiaLibre400Regular
    + } from '@expo-google-fonts/averia-libre'
      // more import libraries ...
      const AppLoader = () => {
        const [fontsLoaded] = useFonts({
    +     averiaLibre400Regular
        // more code ...
  4. Edit the constants.js file and add the font:
     // ... code ...
      export const APP_FONTS = [
    +   'averiaLibre400Regular'
  5. Compile and run the app into iOS or Andrid simulators:
    yarn ios     # compile and run into iOS [OR]
    yarn android # compile and run into Android

And that's all! Your beautiful font is now available from the app.