
A library to parse and create XML documents in an easy and intuitive way.

Primary LanguagePHPBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


A library to manipulate and parse DOM documents in an easy and intuitive way. This library was inspired by the jQuery library and borrows some interesting ideas, like chaining.


Download the project:

git clone https://github.com/soloproyectos/phpquery

and copy the classes folder in your preferred location (optionally, rename it). Finally, copy and paste the following PHP code:

require_once "< YOUR PREFERRED LOCATION >/classes/autoload.php";
use com\soloproyectos\common\dom\node\DomNode;

And that's all. You are ready to use this library.


Create nodes from a given source:

  • DomNode::createFromElement($element): creates an instance from a DOMElement object
  • DomNode::createFromNode($node): creates an instance from a DomNode object
  • DomNode::createFromString($string): creates an instance from a string

Basic methods:

  • DomNode::document(): gets the internal DOMDocument instance
  • DomNode::elements(): gets internal DOM elements
  • DomNode::name(): gets the node name
  • DomNode::parent(): gets the parent node or a null value
  • DomNode::root(): gets the root node
  • DomNode::query($cssSelectors): finds nodes using CSS selectors
  • DomNode::xpath($expression): finds nodes using XPath expressions
  • DomNode::remove(): removes the node from the document
  • DomNode::clear(): removes all child nodes
  • DomNode::data($name, [$value]): gets or sets arbitrary data
  • DomNode::append($string): appends inner XML text
  • DomNode::prepend($string): prepends inner XML text
  • DomNode::html([$string]): gets or sets inner XML text
  • DomNode::text([$string]): gets or sets inner text


  • DomNode::attr($name, [$value]): gets or sets an attribute
  • DomNode::hasAttr($name): checks if a node has an attribute

CSS attributes:

  • DomNode::css($name, [$value]): gets or sets a CSS attribute
  • DomNode::hasCss($name): checks if a node has a CSS attribute


  • DomNode::addClass($className): adds a class to the node
  • DomNode::hasClass($className): checks if a node has a class
  • DomNode::removeClass($className): removes a class from the node

Basic Examples

Create instances

Create a simple node:

// creates a simple node with two attributes and inner text
$item = new DomNode("item", array("id" => 101, "title" => "Title 101"), "Inner text here...");
echo $item;

Create a complex node:

// in this case we use a callback function to add complex structures into the node
$root = new DomNode("root", function ($target) {
    // adds three subnodes
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
        $target->append(new DomNode("item", array("id" => $i, "title" => "Title $i"), "This is the item $i"));
    // appends some XML code
    $target->append("<text>This text is added to the end.</text>");
    // prepends some XML code
    $target->prepend("<text>This text is added to the beginning</text>");
echo $root;

Create instances from a given source:

// creates an instance from a string
$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// creates an instance from a given DOMElement
$doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
$doc->loadXML('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');
$xml = DomNode::createFromElement($doc->documentElement);

Use the query method

You can use the same query function to retrieve either single or multiple nodes.

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// selects and prints all items
$items = $xml->query("item");
foreach ($items as $item) {
    echo $item . "\n";

// select and prints a single item
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 102]");
echo $item;

Use the attr, text and html methods:

$xml = DomNode::createFromString(file_get_contents("test.xml"));

// prints books info
$books = $xml->query("books item");
foreach ($books as $book) {
    echo "Title: " . $book->attr("title") . "\n";
    echo "Author: " . $book->attr("author_id") . "\n";
    echo "ISBN: " . $book->query("isbn")->text() . "\n";
    echo "Available: " . $book->query("available")->text() . "\n";
    echo "Description: " . $book->query("description")->text() . "\n";
    echo "---\n";

// gets the number of items
echo "Number of items: " . count($books);

// prints inner XML text
$genres = $xml->query("genres");
echo $genres->html();

Use the attr, text and html methods to change contents:

In the previous example we used attr, text and html for getting contents. In this example we are use the same methods to change the document.

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// changes or adds attributes and inner texts
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 102]");
$item->attr("id", 666);
$item->attr("title", "Item 666");
$item->text("I'm an inner text");
echo $item;

// changes inner contents
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 103]");
$item->html('<subitem>I am a subitem</subitem>');
echo $item;

Use prepend and append methods:

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// appends contents
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 102]");
$item->append('<subitem id="102.1" title="Subitem title">This text goes to the end...</subitem>');
echo $xml;

// appends a DomNode object
$item->append(new DomNode("subitem", array("id" => "102.1", "title" => "Subitem title"), "Some inner text here ..."));
echo $xml;

// appends a DomNode object and calls the `callback` function
$item->prepend(new DomNode("subitem", array("id" => "102.2", "title" => "Subitem title"), function ($target) {
    $target->text("I'm the first child node ...");
echo $xml;

Use the remove and clear methods:

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// removes a single item
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 103]");
echo $xml;

// removes a list of items
$items = $xml->query("item:even");
echo $xml;

// removes all chid nodes
echo $xml;


You can concatenate multiple methods in the same line:

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// changes and prints the node in the same line
echo $xml->query("item[id = 102]")->attr("title", "Item 102")->text("Some text...")->append("<subitem />");