
A simple, lightweight nodejs test runner

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


pietr is a simple test runner for node.

To use it, just import it like you would any other module and define your tests with the imported test function. The resulting file would be a directly runnable test suite.


npm intsall --save-dev pietr

Why yet another test runner?

I created pietr because I wanted a runner that doesn't expose itself through global functions (i.e. no magical describe / its). Instead, the user imports pietr just like any other module. While there are other test runners that are modules themselves, they tend to bring a lot of dependencies along. That was the second major reason - I wanted a small, lightweight test runner, that does not outweight the code I'm about to test by two magnitudes.


  • test(testFn: Function): void
  • test(title: string, testFn: Function): void

If you don't provide an explicit title, or title is empty, pietr takes the name of testFn and uses it as title. It's considered an error, if the so derived title is falsy.


You can use any assertion library you'd like. Throwing exceptions yourself is fine too.

import { test } from 'pietr'

// Using arrow functions and explicit `title`
test('Test via arrows', () => {
    assert(1 === 1, 'Math is broken :/');

// using function's name as title
test(function shouldBeAlwaysTrue() {
    assert(true, 'Logic is broken too :/');

function assert(condition: boolean, message: string) {
    if (!condition) {
        throw new Error(message);

To run it: tsc example.ts && node example.js


const assert = require('assert');
const { test } = require('pietr');

test('js example', () => {
    assert.equal(1, 1);

To run it: node example2.js


Debugging is as simple as running the test file under node's built-in debugger. No special incantations required.

node --inspect-brk <path_to_test.js>

Using the runner

You can bulk-run your tests with the included pietr binary. It's usage is

./node_modules/.bin/pietr --pattern='<glob_to_tests>'

Also, as with most other runners, you can pre-include a script:

./node_modules/.bin/pietr --pattern='<glob_to_tests>' --require=source-map-support/register


pietr does not support asynchronous functions, yet. I'm planning to add async support via Promises, but don't hold your breath.