Trivial Cloud Storage Thumbnail

If you put a assets/pictures/photo1.jpg thumbnailer will put assets/pictures/thumbnail/height_256/photo1.jpg

defined in src/resize.js

  • ${dirname(Key)}/thumbnail/${prefix}/${basename(Key)}

Sizes and prefixes defined in src/sizes.js

.options for sharp.resize()

.prefix for uploading thumbnail/${prefix}

Deployed as google function

Change Google Cloud Project name in package.json

"scripts": {
  "set-project": "gcloud config set project no-page",

You can change function name and triggering bucket --trigger-resource

"scripts": {
  "deploy": "gcloud functions deploy thumbnailerAnigen --trigger-resource anigen ...",

Set env variables with

gcloud beta functions deploy thumbnailerAnigen \
  --update-env-vars S3_KEY='KEYKEYKEY' 

or just put a .env file if you noob like me =)


Test is not real

Just making sure Promise.all( => ({ ...size }) uploads