
Templating json from "graphql compatible" json objects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Templating json from "graphql compatible" json objects.

Basic usage

const result = jsonplate({ hello: 'world' }, { world: 'World !!!' })
expect(result).toEqual({ hello: 'World !!!' })

Iteration, interpolation, filters, conditionals...

you can pass values in curly braces hello: '{world}!!!', or hello: 'world'.

price: 'item.price' will return value "as is".

price: '{item.price}' will be string

_item and _parent available inside loops.

if element got properties, they will be available directly. price: '_item.price' === price: 'price'

const data = {
  items: [
    { name: 'Mandarin', price: 100, variants: ['Tangerine', 'Clementine'] },
    { name: 'Apple', price: 55, variants: ['Green', 'Red'] },
    { name: 'Pear', onSale: true, price: 78, variants: ['Yellow', 'Green'] },
const template = {
  _each: 'items',
  _id: '_key',
  info: '{name} from ₴{_item.price}',
  options: {
    _each: '_item.variants',
    variants: '{_item} {_parent._item.name}',

const result = jsonplate(template, data)



    _id: 0,
    info: 'Mandarin from ₴100',
    options: [
      { variants: 'Tangerine Mandarin' },
      { variants: 'Clementine Mandarin' },
    _id: 1,
    info: 'Apple from ₴55',
    options: [{ variants: 'Green Apple' }, { variants: 'Red Apple' }],
    _id: 2,
    info: 'Pear from ₴78',
    options: [{ variants: 'Yellow Pear' }, { variants: 'Green Pear' }],

Filters and Conditions

Using sift.js under the hood.

Supported operators: $in, $nin, $exists, $gte, $gt, $lte, $lt, $eq, $ne, $mod, $all, $and, $or, $nor, $not, $size, $type, $regex, $elemMatch

$where is disabled

const template = {
  _each: {
    source: 'items',
    filter: { price: { _lt: 100 } },
    output: {
      _id: '_key',
      info: '{name} from ₴{_item.price}',
      _if: {
        variants: { _in: ['Red'] },
        _then: { redVariant: true },
      options: {
        _each: {
          source: '_item.variants',
          // ***** '_parent.onSale' also works
          filter: { _parent__onSale: { _eq: true } },
        variants: '{_item} {_parent._item.name}',


  • Math\Computed values {* price 0.8}, {+ price 100}
  • _each for object properties
  • _merge and\or _reduce
