
Desafio de back-end

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A currency API that allows users to convert money, challenge from HURB


  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mocha for testing
  • Docker, Docker-compose
  • coingecko-api to get the currencies
  • Swagger


  • Docker and docker-compose

How to run the app locally on Docker

docker-compose up --build --force-recreate

Stress Test

Make sure that the app is running on docker or just run the command

docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate

To run it detached and after that run:

  • yarn or npm install to install the dependencies.
  • yarn artillery-test or npm run artillery-test to run the stress test.


yarn test

Swagger Docs Environment

You can run tests from it

Local Environment

API examples and docs

GET -> /api/currency

Get a list from the current currencies

Response json:

    "_id": "6014a6a961e9a8df76a4c09d",
    "key": "usd",
    "name": "US Dollar",
    "unit": "$",
    "type": "fiat"
    "_id": "6014a6a961e9a84ac4a4c09f",
    "key": "brl",
    "name": "Brazil Real",
    "unit": "R$",
    "type": "fiat"
    "_id": "6014a6a961e9a816d7a4c0a1",
    "key": "eur",
    "name": "Euro",
    "unit": "",
    "type": "fiat"
    "_id": "6014a6a961e9a8051da4c0a3",
    "key": "eth",
    "name": "Ether",
    "unit": "ETH",
    "type": "crypto"
    "_id": "6014a6a961e9a8a8eba4c0a5",
    "key": "btc",
    "name": "Bitcoin",
    "unit": "BTC",
    "type": "crypto"

GET -> /api/currency/convert/latest

Get the latest updated currencies saved on MongoDB

Response json:

  "_id": "6014a7d4274e94a55f33d113",
  "referenceDate": "2021-01-30T00:27:00.114Z",
  "usd": 1,
  "brl": 5.462234128281574,
  "eur": 0.8238790070674381,
  "eth": 0.0007176712274362895,
  "btc": 0.000028862707719134912

GET -> /api/currency/convert?from={from_currency}&to={to_currency}&amount={value}

Convert a currency to another one given the parameters, change the {from_currency} to for example brl {to_currency} for example to usd and {value} to 100 for example.

Response json:

  "from": "brl",
  "to": "usd",
  "amount": 100,
  "value": 18.307527208686135,
  "referenceDate": "2021-01-30T00:31:04.122Z"

POST -> /api/currency/

Creates a new currency given the currency code.

Body with a JSON:

    "key": "GBP"


  "key": "gbp",
  "name": "British Pound Sterling",
  "unit": "£",
  "type": "fiat",
  "_id": "6014a9c3274e94282d33d11d"

DELETE -> /api/currency/{currency_code}

Deletes a currency from the API, to test just change the {currency_code} to a saved currency such as brl for example.


  • HTTP status code 204