Optimal philanthropy for AI X-risks reduction

This repository contains mathematica code to compute optimal spending schedule of a philanthropist wanting to minimise existential risks from AI. The repository contains three files, that corresponds to solving the model in 3 distincts situations:

  • optimal_spending_constant_delta.nb: solves the optimal spending schedule in the simplest situation where all parameters are constant and the only source of capital accrual is the return on the philanthropist's capital
  • future_income_optimal_spending: Return optimal spending schedule with all parameters constant and endowment accrual from return on capital as well as a deterministic stream of income from aligned and coordinated donors.
  • AI_timelines_optimal_spending.nb: Return optimal spending schedule with instantaneous rate of transition to transformative AI

Important note:

This is very much work in progress and not a final product


  • Debug AI_timelines
  • Add future stream of incomes to AI timelines