
A Vue 3 project using Composition API, Tailwind and Vite

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

About the project

Frameworks and libraries used

This proyect was made to test:

  • The Composition API feature on Vue 3
  • The framework Vite and its Hot Module Replacement (HMR) feature.
  • The VitePWA plugin to generate a full operating PWA on GitHub Pages.
  • The framework Tailwind.

Things that work nice

- The Drawer opens and close on mobile, using the hamburger button or the overlay on the background.
- The Drawer reads the window width to determine if should be open or not.
- The routes work fine on the main drawer.
- The routes work fine on the secondary drawer.

Things that can be improved

- The views on the project are very few and should be customized and expanded.
- The colors used and the UX could be better.

Things that would be nice to have

- A button to toggle the "light/dark" mode.