
Ansible kubernetes modules - modules to retrieve information from Kubernetes API

Primary LanguagePython

Ansible Modules for Kubernetes

This repo contains a subset of ansible-modules to retrieve data from k8s API.



Check the status of a particular pod

- name: Check that service is up and running
    api_endpoint: "{{ k8s_api_endpoint }}"
    username: "{{ k8s_username }}"
    password: "{{ k8s_password }}"
    namespace: "{{ environ }}"
    object_kind: pod
    nameSelector: my-service-name
  register: k8s_pod_output
  until: k8s_pod_output['api_response']['pod_running']
  retries: 3
  delay: 10


Generate a manifest ini file with the docker images used in the running cluster

- name: Build a kubernetes cluster manifest
    username: admin
    password: edited
    namespace: default
  register: k8s_cluster_output

- fail: msg="Bailing out. this play requires a running cluster"
  when: "not {{ k8s_cluster_output['api_response']['cluster_running'] }}"

- name: Retrieve the cluster information to be accessed in a template
    cluster_api_response: "{{ k8s_cluster_output['api_response']['cluster'] }}"

# Create Template file
- name: Create a template from the variables we just extracted
  template: src=manifest.ini.j2 dest=/tmp/manifest-{{ environ }}.ini

# Use Template file for lookups
- debug: msg="Service Image in for edge on {{ environ }} is {{ lookup('ini', 'service.image section=edge file=/tmp/manifest-{{ environ }}.ini') }}"

Annex 1 manifest.ini.j2

{% for item in cluster_api_response %}
[{{ item['name'] }}]
 service.name={{ item['name'] }}
 service.image={{ item['image'] }}
 service.version={{ item['version'] }}
{% endfor %}