

The purpose of this project is to learn Kubernetes [K8s] in greater detail by producing a usable application in Golang with K8s.


The project architecture is guided by learning and trying out new things, and not necessarily what is most efficient.

Certain patterns are unsuitable for a real production environment but completely fine for a single node setup or development environment.


  • secret and configMap are not managed in the most efficient way. It is more about exploring the different k8s patterns.
  • Using a volume of type hostPath is not OK in a multi-node production setting

There is no practical use for MySQL at the moment. I remember replication being complex and want to eventually try it in a K8s environment.

Development vs Production

Production uses a service of type LoadBalancer while development uses a service of type NodePort.

Development is run locally via minikube and will pull insecure Docker images that are built locally.

Both development and production are managed through the kubectl CLI making use of:

kubectl config get-contexts

kubectl config use-context < context >

Creating the project locally

See: bash/

Accessing the project URL locally:

See: bash/

Creating the project on DigitalOcean K8s cluster

It is necessary to add the context so that kubectl can be the mechanism to access and modify the K8s cluster.

See: bash/

Why doesn't this project actually work?

The Dockerfile pulls from my private Dockerhub account and this is not something I am comfortable sharing right now.

To build your own Dockerfile locally and to commit and push it to your own Dockerhub,

See: _build/

Put in your own credentials and it should work after you connect to your own Dockerhub account. If not, feel free to email me for help: