
Emotional Scene Musicalization with Deep Neural Networks (MTAP 2020)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




RequirementsHow to UseResultsHow to Cite


This code was tested with Python 3.5+ and PyTorch 0.4.1 (or 0.4.1.post2)

The rest of the dependencies can be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt.

How to Use

0. Dataset and Pre-Processing

  • Data:

  • The .npz dataset should be copied in a subfolder in a datasets/ folder in the root of the repository

      +-- datasets
      |   +-- data_npz
      |       +-- my_data_train.npz
      |       +-- my_data_test.npz
      |   +-- custom_data_npz
      |       > Your custom `npz` dataset can go in here

1. Training

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --exp TEST --frame_sizes 16 4 --n_rnn 2 --dataset data_npz --npz_filename video_feats_HSL_10fps_3secs_intAudio_pad_train.npz --npz_filename_test video_feats_HSL_10fps_3secs_pad_test.npz --cnn_pretrain cnnseq/cnn4_3secs_res_vanilla_HSL_bin_1D_CrossEntropy_ep_40_bs_30_lr_0.001_we_0.0001_asgd/ --cnn_seq2seq_pretrain cnnseq/cnnseq2seq4_3secs_HSL_bin_1D_res_stepPred_8_ep_20_bs_30_relu_layers_2_size_128_lr_0.001_we_1e-05_adam_asgdCNN_trainSize_3182_testSize_1139_cost_audio/
  • If you need to train encoder Scene2Wav with custom dataset (instead of using pre-trained one):
    • Pre-train CNN with Scene frames and Emotion scores
    python CNN_main.py --mode=train
    • Pre-train CNN-Seq2Seq end-to-end with the Scene frames and Audio
    python CNNSeq2Seq_main.py --mode=train

2. Generating Samples

Generate target, and baseline (CNNSeq2Seq) and ours (Scene2Wav)

python generate_audio_scene2wav.py

Path to checkpoint, emotion, and number of samples to generate are set inside the script

3. Evaluation

  • Emotion evaluation

    1. Install requirements
    pip install music21 vamp librosa midiutil
    1. Melodia plugin
      • Download
      • Install:
        • MacOS: copy all files in MTG-MELODIA 1.0 (OSX universal).zip to: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp
        • Linux: copy all files in MTG-MELODIA 1.0 (Linux 32/64-bit).zip to: /usr/local/lib/vamp
    2. Transform wav to midi and detect chords
    python emotion_evaluation.py --data_dir [data dirname] --infile [filename].wav --outfile [filename].mid
  • Human evaluation: Amazon MTurk

  • Perceptual audio metric

    1. Clone code and install requirements
    2. Copy perceptual_audio_metric.sh to metric_code/ and run

      P.S: Modify audio path and filenames you wish to compare


  • Results saved in results/: training log, loss plots, model checkpoints and generated samples.

  • You can check some generated samples in results_generated_samples/ (tested with VLC Media Player).


In case you wish to use this code, please credit this repository or send me an email with any requests or questions.

    author={Sergio, G. C. and Lee, M.},
    title={Scene2Wav: A Deep Convolutional Sequence-to-Conditional SampleRNN for Emotional Scene Musicalization},
    journal={Multimedia Tools and Applications},

Please also cite the pre-processing repository AnnotatedMV-PreProcessing as:

  author       = {Gwenaelle Cunha Sergio},
  title        = {{gcunhase/AnnotatedMV-PreProcessing: Pre-Processing 
                   of Annotated Music Video Corpora (COGNIMUSE and
  month        = jun,
  year         = 2020,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v2.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3910918},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3910918}

If you use the COGNIMUSE database:

  title={COGNIMUSE: A multimodal video database annotated with saliency, events, semantics and emotion with application to summarization},
  author={Zlatintsi, Athanasia and Koutras, Petros and Evangelopoulos, Georgios and Malandrakis, Nikolaos and Efthymiou, Niki and Pastra, Katerina and Potamianos, Alexandros and Maragos, Petros},
  journal={EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing},

If you use the DEAP database:

  title={Deap: A database for emotion analysis; using physiological signals},
  author={Koelstra, Sander and Muhl, Christian and Soleymani, Mohammad and Lee, Jong-Seok and Yazdani, Ashkan and Ebrahimi, Touradj and Pun, Thierry and Nijholt, Anton and Patras, Ioannis},
  journal={IEEE transactions on affective computing},

Code based on deepsound-project's PyTorch's implementation of SampleRNN