Power BI Analysis Challenge: Financial Data

Welcome to the Power BI Analysis Challenge! In this challenge, we will be analyzing financial data using Power BI to gain insights into sales performance across various dimensions.

Challenge Overview

The challenge involves creating two reports analyzing financial data from Power BI Example Financials. The reports should provide comprehensive insights into sales performance by different dimensions, including time, geography, customer segment, and product.


The dataset used for this challenge is sourced from Power BI Example Financials, containing financial data including sales records, product information, customer details, and geographic data.


Sales Performance Report

  • This report provides an overview of sales performance across different dimensions, including:
  • Sales by time: Analysis of sales revenue trends over time, such as monthly or quarterly sales.
  • Sales by geography: Breakdown of sales revenue by country or region.
  • Sales by segment: Analysis of sales performance by customer segment.
  • Sales by product: Analysis of top-selling products and their contribution to revenue.
  • Visualizations include line charts, bar charts, and tables to present the data effectively.


  1. Download the Power BI desktop application from here.
  2. Load the dataset from Power BI Example Financials into Power BI Desktop.
  3. Navigate to the report view to explore the pre-built reports.
  4. Interact with the visualizations to gain insights into the financial data.
  5. Customize the reports or create additional visualizations as needed.


Contributions to enhance the reports or add new features are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.