
my nvim config

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Neovim configuration for Colemak users

NOTE: The contents of this repository are being moved to gczcn/dotfile/tree/main/nvim

chinese README

Table of contents



  1. Install all the above dependencies
  2. Run git clone https://github.com/gczcn/nvim.git ~/.config/nvim to clone the repository
  3. Run npm install -g neovim in terminal
  4. Run nvim

Basic Settings

Opt Value Action
fileencoding 'UTF-8' file content encoding for the buffer
autowrite true Enable auto write
number true Show numberline
relativenumber true Show relative numberline
completeopt { "menu", "menuone", "noselect" } Options for insert mode completion
signcolumn 'yes' always show the sign column
cursorline true highlight the text line of the cursor
cursorcolumn true highlight the text column of the cursor
scrolloff 5 Lines of context
sidescrolloff 8 Colunms of context
wrap false Disable Line wrap
tabstop 2 Number of space tabs count for
softtabstop 2 keep the default tab stop size
shiftwidth 2 number of space inserted for indentation
shiftround true Round indent
expandtab true Use spaces instead of tabs
autoindent true Enable autoindent
breakindent true wrap indent to match line start
smartindent true Insert indents automatically
ignorecase true Ignore case
smartcase true case sensitive searching
incsearch true enable incremental search
whichwrap "b,s,<,>,[,],h,l" Move the beginning and end of a line across lines
autoread true Automatically read modified files
mouse "a" enable mouse support
updatetime 100 Save swap file and trigger CursorHold
splitbelow true Put new windows below current
splitright true Put new windows right of current
termguicolors true True color support
list true Show some hidden characters
showmode false disable showing modes in command line
foldenable true enable fold
foldlevel 99 set high foldlevel
foldlevelstart 99 start with all code unfolded
foldcolumn "1" show foldcolumn
conceallevel 2 Hide * markup for bold and italic, but not markers with substitutions
confirm true Confirm to save changes before exiting modified buffer
colorcolumn "100" Line number reminder
copyindent true copy the previous indentation on autoindenting
expandtab true enable the use of space in tab
history 300 Save historical quantity
linebreak true wrap lines at 'breakat'
undofile true Save undo history
winminwidth 5 Minimum window width
fillchars {foldopen='-',foldclose='>',} set fillchars

Keyboard Shortcuts

Note: Some settings here refer to this repository: repository

leader key settings: vim.g.mapleader = ' '

1 Basic Editor Features

1.1 The Most Basics

k: switchs to INSERT : mode (same as key i in vanilla vim)
Q: quits current vim window (same as command :q in vanilla vim)
S: saves the current file (same as command :w in vanilla vim )

1.2 Remapped Cursor Movement
Shortcut Action Equivalent
u Cursor up a terminal line k
e Cursor down a terminal line j
n Cursor left h
i Cursor right l
U Cursor up 5 terminal line 5k
E Cursor down 5 terminal line 5j
N Cursor to the start of the line 0
I Cursor to the end of t line **$
h Move to the end of this word e
W Move cursor five words forward 5w
B Move cursor five words back 5b
1.3 Remapped Insert Mode Keys
Shortcut Action Equivalent
<M-u> Cursor up a terminal line <up>
<M-e> Cursor down a terminal line <down>
<M-n> Cursor left <left>
<M-i> Cursor right <right>
<M-U> Cursor up 5 terminal line **:normal! 5k<>
<M-E> Cursor down 5 terminal line **:normal! 5j<>
<M-N> Cursor to the start of the line **:normal 0<>
<M-I> Cursor to the end of the line **:normal $<CR>ight>
1.4 Command Mode Keymaps
Shortcut Action
<M-n> Cursor left
<M-i> Cursor right
<M-n> Cursor 5 spaces to the left
<M-i> Cursor 5 spaces to the right
1.5 Remapped Text Manipulating Commands in Normal Mode
Shortcut Action Equivalent
l undo u
L redo u
1.6 Other Useful Normal Mode Remappings
Shortcut Action Equivalent
; Enter Cmand mode :
<leader>r Run code :RunCode
1.7 Register related settings
Shortcut Action Equivalent
<M-y> Copy to system clipboard "+y
<M-p> Paste to system clipboard "+gp
<M-v> Paste to system clipboard (mode = i) :normal"+gp<CR><right>

2 Window Management

2.1 Creating Window Through Split Screen
Shortcut Action
<leader>su Create a new horizontal split screen and place it above the current window
<leader>se Create a new horizontal split screen and place it below the current window
<leader>sn Create a new vertical split screen and place it left to the current window
<leader>si Create a new vertical split screen and place it right to the current window
<leader>sv Set the two splits to be vertical
<leader>sh Set the two splits to be horizontal
<leader>srv Rotate splits and arrange splits vertically
<leader>srh Rotate splits and arrange splits horizontally
2.2 Moving the Cursor Between Different Windows
Shortcut Action
<leader>ww Move cursor to the next window
<leader>wn Move cursor one window left
<leader>wi Move cursor one window right
<leader>wu Move cursor one window up
<leader>we Move cursor one window down