
Bookshare is an innovative web platform in which you can upload your current books and eventually exchange them with other users

Project structure

The client side consists of different react components distributed in pages (which are also components 😃). Each page corresponds to a different route, set up in the Navigation.js file. The client actively communicates with the backend through HTTP requests. You can access the rest api here:

Public Part

- Anonymous user
- User can access home page where he can find the most exchanged and newest books
- User can search books through the search engine
- User can access book details page
- User has access to register page.
- User has access to login page.

Private Part

- Authorized user
- User has access to his own library in which he can add new books
- User can request a book from other users
- User can accept book requests from other users
- User can access request info page
- User has all of the anonymous user privileges except accessing register and login page