What is this repository for?

  • Contents of this repository are intended to provide new developer training sessions

How do I get set up?

  • Follow the day to day agenda below

Contribution guidelines

  • Create a new branch with your suggestions/recommendations
  • Create a pull request

What if I can't access youtube or other links here?

  • You can login to this site using your mobile phone
  • You should be able to watch videos and tutorials from your mobile
  • If you don't have a device that you can use to access youtube, stop here and consider career change.


General Training Plan for all Developers



Uncle Bob tutorials.


  • Read and learn about Git
  • Reading on git, git shortcuts, git commands to clone, branch, merge, commit
  • Setup git bash
  • Setup intelliJ
  • Read and learn about how to use gitlab(which will be used for these training exercises)
  • Generate ssh key
  • add your ssh public key to gitlab
  • A good tutorial on different features of Git. Its only 10 mins video. But, a must watch for all developers to understand how to work in multiple branches. If you are new to git and have used SVN, its a must watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7kJRkUaVHQ

How to create SSH key? a) Generate ssh key using putty https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/getting-started/ssh-keys/generating-an-ssh-key-manually/manually-generating-your-ssh-key-in-windows

b) Or use this command : git bash ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t rsa -f id_rsa -P ""


AM: Watch some videos on Confluence, Jira and Bitbucket



Training Plan for Java Developers


Day3: Code quality

  • Learn about checkstyle vs pmd vs findbug. Google for these tools and read a few articles. http://continuousdev.com/2015/08/checkstyle-vs-pmd-vs-findbugs/
  • Create a new branch called yourname/pmddemo. Branch from pmdDemo
  • Checkout yourname/pmdDemo branch and perform "mvn clean install".
  • Fix the build errors shown by pmd in /target/pmd.xml.
  • Commit your changes.
  • checkout pmdCleanedUp to compare your solution against.
  • Repeat the same process for findbug and checkstyle from respective branches

Day 4-5 :

AM: Read and watch:
  • Learn about junit and Writing junits
  • Mockito and mocking database calls and service calls
  • Code coverage checks with jacoco
  • Create a new branch called yourname/junit. Branch from junit
  • Checkout yourname/junit branch and perform "mvn clean install".
  • Build will fail as code coverage checks have not been met.
  • Write unit tests for missing classes and ensure build succeeds.
  • Commit your changes to yourname/junit

Day 6:

AM: Read and watch
  • Apache Cassandra
  • Working with Cassandra
  • CQL
  • Using DAO and accessor classes
  • Read and write to Cassandra table
  • Create a table and read/write to table from service.

Day 7:

Read, watch and Learn

Day 8

  • Liberty container
  • Running RESTful service inside Liberty container


Training Plan for UI Developers


Day 3

  • Clean code concepts for javascript: Read this manual once or twice or more - https://github.com/ryanmcdermott/clean-code-javascript
  • Grunt Setup / Node Setup / Yo Generator set up / bower setup
  • Creating a project from yo generator
  • Understanding Project folder
  • Understanding gruntFile.js (Task creation)
  • Understanding package.json and bower.json

Day 4

  • Understanding of Angular Bootstrap for UI layout.
  • Creating a html template page.
  • Creating a controller with Jasmine and Karma Test Case.
  • Understanding eslint Rules, code style.
  • Introduction of CSS/Stylesheet to html pages.

Day 5

  • Create a Service (With test Cases)
  • Understanding routing techniques UI Router (routeProvider / Stateproviders )
  • Create a Output Page (Redirects to this page from menu page using routing techniques)
  • Create a directive (A, E, C and M Type) with Test Cases .

Day 6

  • Understanding of JSON
  • Create a filter , use ng-repeat and show data on screen in Table
  • Calling Http service , promise and $q services .
  • Setting up Proxies in gruntfile.js.

Day 7


Still thirsty for skills?
