Samba/CTDB/GlusterFS Cluster on libvirt/kvm

This repository contains a Vagrantfile that describes the setup of a Samba-CTDB-GlusterFS-Cluster of fedora-libvirt/kvm nodes.

In short:

  • setup controlled by vagrant
  • libvirt-vms as basis
  • node OS: Fedora 21


This Vagrantfile is parametrized: The options for configuring the number of nodes and the nodes' network interfaces and addresses are stored in the config file 'vagrant.yml' when running any vagrant command (except for vagrant help). The whole setup can then conveniently be reconfigured modifying that file.


  • Linux host, attached to the network (tested on Fedora 21, should work on other hosts as well)
  • libvirt installed
  • vagrant installed
  • vagrant-libvirt plugin installed
  • possibly preparation of bridge interfaces on the host


After adjusting the configuration, vagrant up will bring up the full cluster with ctdb running on all nodes. vagrant ssh node1 will ssh into node1, etc.


  • provision ctdb public addresses


Michael Adam (obnox at samba dot org)