Go Away, work in progress
Enzyme heavily uses shallow rendering, meaning it mocks the rendering of child components. It's difficult to test that way because, to test one component which might have multiple children, I'll have to cascade and iterate over testing the child component again and again (because of shallow rendering).
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41769880/how-to-manually-add-a-path-to-be-resolved-in-eslintrc along with https://github.com/tleunen/eslint-import-resolver-babel-module — To resolve module resoltution from
property injest.config.js
These two links saved me big time, for I was unable to detect why
contactNumberElement.value = fakerContactNumber;
fireEvent.change(contactNumberElement, { bubble: true });
wasn't firing the change event at all. Here are the links —
- The problem — facebook/react#10135
- The solution — facebook/react#10135 (comment)
- Reference in
— testing-library/react-testing-library#153 react-testing-library
solved it with this commit — testing-library/dom-testing-library#85
- This saved me from hitting my head in the wall in trying to figure out why jest was not picking up esm exported from some of the node modules (antd, in my cast) — jestjs/jest#6229 (comment)
App(state: { contacts: type List(name, number) }) ContactAddForm UsernameInput (required) ContactNumberInput (required) SubmitButton — ContactsList ContactRow ContactName ContactNumber Edit Button Delete Button — ContactEditInput ContactNameEditInput (shouldn't be empty) ContactNumberEditInput (shouldn't be empty) SaveButton