
my own slackbot (cause everyone must have one)

Primary LanguagePython


… simple slack bot

Install for development:

requires python 3.5, uses asyncio, and the stuff from requirements.txt:

pip install --user -e .


python -m slackbot --help

Setup a systemd service

Create a user for the bot, the example file uses slackbot. I haven't published the code to pypi, so install the bot from git to /opt/slackbot. If you use some other directory change PYTHONUSERBASE= below and in the service file.

export PYTHONUSERBASE=/opt/slackbot
pip install --user git+https://github.com/gdamjan/slackbot@master#egg=slackbot

Then copy the slackbot.service to /etc/systemd/system/ and start it, or enable it, or both:

sudo systemctl start slackbot
# or
sudo systemctl enable slackbot
# or
sudo systemctl enable --now slackbot

Don't forget to set the slack access token (and run systemctl daemon-reload after you edit the service file).