
Flask and FastAPI web apps prefixed behind a nginx proxy

Primary LanguagePython

Flask app mounted on url prefix

Let's test how to remount a Flask app under a different url prefix with nginx, without changing the application code. nginx will forward requests under /api to the flask application. The Flask code doesn't know it will be accessed under the /api prefix later on, it's all configured by the environment (but for Flask we need to use gunicorn and set the SCRIPT_NAME env var).

See the other branches for more examples.

Quick start

docker-compose up

Expected result

$ curl localhost/api/
Hello World!

$ curl localhost/api/test
Index is at: /api/

$ curl localhost/api/json
  "index": "http://localhost/api/",
  "self": "http://localhost/api/json"

$ curl -i localhost/api/redirect
HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND
Location: /api/

Chaging the port of flask

  1. Change the port on the proxy_pass line in nginx.conf
  2. Change HTTP_PORT in the environments of the flask service

Changing the flask app prefix mount

  1. Change the location in nginx.conf (for ex. location /api/v1 {
  2. Change the proxy_pass line to include the new location (proxy_pass http://flask:5001/api/v1;)
  3. Change SCRIPT_NAME=/api/v1 in the environments of the flask service
