
Interact with the Nest API quickly and easily on Android.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Nest Android SDK Build Status

Interact with the Nest API quickly and easily on Android.


Sample Android app: https://github.com/nestlabs/android-sdk-sample

Javadocs: https://nestlabs.github.io/android-sdk/

Examples are also available in this README below.


Add the following line to your build.gradle in your Android project:

compile 'com.nestlabs:android-sdk:1.0.0'

Quickstart (required)

Setup your Nest instance, preparing it for Authorization / Authentication.

// Set your Context (required - only once)

// Get your Nest API instance.
NestAPI nest = NestAPI.getInstance();

Authorization / Authentication

Before we can get started making requests to the Nest API, we must first get authorization from the user. This authorization is in the form of an access token.

Acquiring an access token

We must launch an OAuth 2.0 flow in order to get an access token initially. Then later, we can re-use that token.

// A request code you can verify later.

// Set the configuration values.
nest.setConfig("client-id", "client-secret", "https://redirect-url");

// Launch the auth flow if you don't already have a token.
nest.launchAuthFlow(getActivity(), AUTH_TOKEN_REQUEST_CODE);

// On your Activity, override the following method to receive the token:
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
  if (resultCode != RESULT_OK || requestCode != AUTH_TOKEN_REQUEST_CODE) {
    return; // No token will be available.

  NestToken token = NestAPI.getAccessTokenFromIntent(intent);
  // Save the token to a safe place here so it can be re-used later.

Re-using an existing access token

If you already have an access token, you can authenticate using that immediately.

// Get existing instance.
NestAPI nest = NestAPI.getInstance();

// Get the token string from your safe place.
String token = "abc123";

// or...

// Get the NestToken object (it's Parcelable!)
NestToken token = getMyToken();

// Authenticate with an existing token.
nest.authWithToken(token, new NestAuthListener() {
  public void onAuthSuccess() {
    // Handle success here. Start pulling from Nest API.

  public void onAuthFailure(NestException e) {
    // Handle exceptions here.

  public void onAuthRevoked() {
    // Your previously authenticated connection has become unauthenticated.
    // Recommendation: Relaunch an auth flow with nest.launchAuthFlow().

Get values and listen for changes

Listen for changes to everything

This includes all devices, structures and metadata.

nest.addGlobalListener(new GlobalListener() {
  public void onUpdate(@NonNull GlobalUpdate update) {
    Metadata metadata = update.getMetadata();
    ArrayList<Camera> cameras = update.getCameras();
    ArrayList<SmokeCOAlarm> thermostats = update.getSmokeCOAlarms();
    ArrayList<Thermostat> thermostats = update.getThermostats();
    ArrayList<Structure> structures = update.getStructures();

    // Handle updates here.

Listen for changes to all devices

This includes all thermostats, smoke alarms and cameras.

nest.addDeviceListener(new DeviceListener() {
  public void onUpdate(@NonNull NestDeviceUpdate update) {
    ArrayList<Camera> cameras = update.getCameras();
    ArrayList<SmokeCOAlarm> thermostats = update.getSmokeCOAlarms();
    ArrayList<Thermostat> thermostats = update.getThermostats();

    // Handle updates here.

Listen for changes to specific device types

All thermostats:

nest.addThermostatListener(new ThermostatListener() {
  public void onUpdate(@NonNull ArrayList<Thermostat> thermostats) {
    // Handle thermostat update...

All smoke alarms:

nest.addSmokeCOAlarmListener(new SmokeCOAlarmListener() {
  public void onUpdate(@NonNull ArrayList<SmokeCOAlarm> alarms) {
    // Handle smoke+co alarm update...

All cameras:

nest.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() {
  public void onUpdate(@NonNull ArrayList<Camera> cameras) {
    // Handle camera update...

Listen to changes to all structures

nest.addStructureListener(new StructureListener() {
  public void onUpdate(@NonNull ArrayList<Structure> structures) {
    // Handle structure update...

Listen to metadata changes

This includes the access token and client version.

nest.addMetadataListener(new MetadataListener() {
  public void onUpdate(Metadata data) {
    // Handle metadata update... do action.

Stop listening to changes

Remove a specific listener.

nest.removeListener(listener); // Removes a specific listener.

Remove all listeners.

nest.removeAllListeners(); // Removes all listeners.

Set values and update devices / structures

Updating values on devices and structures is easy. Here are a few examples.

Thermostat example

See the full list of possible Thermostat methods here.

// Get id from Thermostat#getDeviceId
String thermostatId = myThermostat.getDeviceId();

// The temperature in Farhenheit to set. (Note: type long)
long newTemp = 75;

// Set thermostat target temp (in degrees F).
nest.thermostats.setTargetTemperatureF(thermostatId, newTemp);

Thermostat example with callback

See the full list of possible Thermostat methods here.

// Get id from Thermostat#getDeviceId
String thermostatId = myThermostat.getDeviceId();

// The temperature in Celsius to set. (Note: type double)
double newTemp = 22.5;

// Set thermostat target temp (in degrees C) with an optional success callback.
nest.thermostats.setTargetTemperatureC(thermostatId, newTemp, new Callback() {
  public void onSuccess() {
    // The update to the thermostat succeeded.

  public void onFailure(NestException e) {
    // The update to the thermostat failed.

Camera example

See the full list of possible Camera methods here.

// Get id from Camera#getDeviceId.
String camId = myCamera.getDeviceId();

// Set camera to start streaming.
nest.cameras.setIsStreaming(camId, true);

Camera example with callback

See the full list of possible Camera methods here.

// Get id from Camera#getDeviceId.
String camId = myCamera.getDeviceId();

// Set camera to start streaming with an optional success callback.
nest.cameras.setIsStreaming(camId, true, new Callback() {
  public void onSuccess() {
    // The update to the camera succeeded.

  public void onFailure(NestException e) {
    // The update to the camera failed.


Contributions are always welcome and highly encouraged.

See CONTRIBUTING for more information on how to get started.


Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE for more information.