
The evolution of swagbot.

Primary LanguagePython

SwagBot v2.0 - Now with more swagger!

SwagBot is a powerful, useful, and sometimes mischievious bot for Slack. It utilizes the Slack Events API and is easily extensible.


In short

  • Clone the repo
  • $ mkdir ~/.swagbot
  • Create ~/.swagbot/bot.yml
  • $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • $ ./database-setup/database-setup.py
  • $ ./bot-launcher.py


SwagBot possesses a number of useful features.

  • SwagBot utilizes a SQLite backend for a number of things such as:
    • User and channel data
    • Command definitions (command enabled, etc)
    • Module definitions for enabling and disabling modules
  • SwagBot uses a plugin-based architecture for its commands. i.e., Commands are stored in Python modules which are subclasses of the class Swagbot.core.BasePlugin. Because of the modularity, commands or entire plugins can be enabled/disabled on the fly.
  • SwagBot is resilient. If there is an unexpected error and the websocket disconnects, the bot will attempt to reconnect. This also applies for a code error which causes the bot or one of its modules to crash.
  • New code can be added without taking the bot down. You can simply instruct the bot to reload its plugins.



This is the main bot class. It initializes the bot, loads the plugins, and launches required threads. It also processes inbound events.


This is a basic plugin class. All plugins should be a subclass of this class


If a user says something to the bot that is actually a bot command, its Event object is used to construct a Command object. The command object determines if the command is able to be executed based on factors like command level, user level, and command state. The command output is also stored in the command object. It allows the bot to process each command in an encapsulated object.


Each eligible Slack event received is put into an instance of swagbot.core.Event and attached to each command instance.


This class stores output/error information about each command executed. It is attached to each command instance.


This class allows any bot plugin to schedule tasks, e.g., update PagerDuty schedule information, on a schedule. Its features include:

  • Job functions are encapsulated using dill, based64-encoded, and stored in a the bot's scheduler table
  • Individual jobs can be created, deleted, enabled, and disabled
  • The scheduler can be started, stopped, paused, and resumed

Core User Commands

  • about - Display version information, system information about SwagBot's host, and information about SwagBot's process
  • dad - Tell a dad joke
  • fortune - Display a Unix™ fortune
  • greeting - Greet the user in a random language or in the specified language
  • help - Display commands available to the user as well as command-specific help
  • seen - Display the last time <user> was seen by the bot
  • time - Display the current time
  • uptime - Display the bot's uptime

Core Admin Commands

  • admins - Grant admin access, revoke admin access, or list bot admins
  • commands - Enable, disable, hide, or unhide a bot command
  • join - Instruct the bot to join the specified channel
  • kick - Kick <user> from the current channel (this may not always work)
  • leave - Instruct the bot to leave the specified channel
  • modules - Enable, disable, or list bot modules
  • maint - Start or stop the bot's maintenance thread
  • purpose - Set a channel's purpose (description)
  • reload - Reload all of the bot's modules
  • topic - Set a channel's topic