Functions and objects help to understand concepts from computer vision and neural networks.
- conv2d(img, kernel): use Fast Fourier Transform for Convolution operation
- rgb2hsv(img): return hsv image
- rgb2gray(img, method='avg', format='rgb'): return gray image
- sobel(img, return_direction=False): return sobel edge detection
- canny(img, k=11, sigma=1, alpha=0.1, beta=0.2, return_direction=False): return canny edge detection
- make_gaussian_kernel(size, sigma): return Gaussian kernel
- dilate(img, strel): return dilated image with structure element
- erose(img, strel): return erosed image with structure element
- histeq(img): return histogram equalized image
- hough_circle_accumulator(edge_img, R_min=3, R_max=None, center_inside=True): return accumulator of circle detection using Hough transform
- hough_line_accumulator(edge_img): return accumulator of line detection using Hough transform
- connected_component_labeling(bw): return objects label and their sizes
- imfill(bw): return objects filled image
- hog_feature(img): return Histogram of Gradient feature
- harris_corner_detector(img, threshold, kernel_size=3, p=0.5): return corner indices
- initializers: return an initializer function requires shape input as type of tuple
- variance_scaling_initializer
- xavier_initializer
- zeros_initializer
- normal_initializer
- uniform_initializer
- glorot_initializer
- layers: return a layer class
- Conv2D
- MaxPooling2D
- Dense
- ReLU
- Sigmoid
- Tanh
- losses: function return loss and its derivative
- softmax
- mean_squared_error
- optimizers: return an optimizer class
- SGDMomentum
- RMSProp
- Adam
- Image processing package contains functions, please check the code to understand how the related functions work.
- Neural networks package is more object oriented and contains supportive objects. Check out to setup training process.
This project is developed and managed during my PhD study at the UNC Charlotte in my spare time.