Flask Tutorial

This implementation of the standard Flask Tutorial is accomplished stepwise at each GIT commit. Further extending the tutorial, SQLAlchemy, Flask-Login, Flask-WTF, and Bootstrap v4 are all added.

The commits are as follows:

  1. Create .gitignore
  2. Add Flask application factory
  3. Define and Access the Database
  4. Add Blueprints, Views, and Templates for auth
  5. Add CSS styling
  6. Add Blueprints, Views, and Templates for blog
  7. Add pytest tests
  8. Implement SQLAlchemy
  9. Rrepackage auth and blog
  10. Implement Flask-Login
  11. Cleanup and have login safely redirect to next
  12. Implement Flask-WFT and WTForms
  13. Implement Bootstrap

Deploy final application

See Deploy to Production in the Flask Tutorial.