
A PoC Mach-O infector via library injection

Primary LanguageC

.-. .-')                           .-. .-')                            
\  ( OO )                          \  ( OO )                           
  ;-----.\  .-'),-----.  ,--. ,--.   ;-----.\  .-'),-----.  ,--. ,--.   
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  | .-. `. \_) |  |\|  | |  |_|( OO )| .-. `. \_) |  |\|  | |  |_|( OO )
  | |  \  |  \ |  | |  | |  | | `-' /| |  \  |  \ |  | |  | |  | | `-' /
  | '--'  /   `'  '-'  '('  '-'(_.-' | '--'  /   `'  '-'  '('  '-'(_.-' 
   `------'      `-----'   `-----'    `------'      `-----'   `-----'    
A mach-o virus infector

Copyright (c) fG!, 2012,2013 - reverser@put.as - http://reverse.put.as
All rights reserved.

This is the sample code for OS.X/Boubou presented at Hitcon'12 in Taipei.

Does it job by modifying the Mach-O header of the target and adding a new
library command.
The library contains the "malware" payload and can be used for different
purposes, such as stealing information or backdoor without using traditional

The code is composed by two parts, the infector which will try to infect all
applications it can find in a given path (configured at configuration.h),
starting by frameworks and then main binary, and the library, which will decrypt
and restore bytes stolen by the infector.

I tried to cleanup the code and make it a bit better from the original PoC,
which was a mess copy & pasted from many other personal projects.
It's definitely not commercial malware grade code (and that's not my intent!)
and it contains quite simple (and easily detected) "design" decisions. It can be
 improved a lot!

The goal here is to show how it's done and hopefully get detection and
protections developed.
Hitcon was in July 2012 and as far as I know there's nothing implemented
against this PoC. Maybe with some PoC code out things can change.

This version only works against non-fat binaries/frameworks, either 32 or 64


- Finish LC_MAIN entrypoint code
- Code to infect main binary if frameworks fail (only infects main in debug