Example centos 6.5 x86_64 with puppet installed Started as http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/centos-65-x64-virtualbox-nocm.box Since have added
- yum update on 5/6/2014
- Add the EPEL repo
- install mysql client and server
- Started mysql
- Set root mysql password to mysql
- Created db/user graphite with password mysqlpassword
- Added elasticsearch key and repo
- Installed Puppet repo for CentOS 6 x86_64
- Installed puppet
- Install RVM
- Install ruby 2.1.1
- Install ruby 1.9.3
- install and start http
- puppet module install puppetlabs-mysql --modulepath /vagrant/puppet/modules
- puppet module install dwerder-graphite --modulepath /vagrant/puppet/modules
- puppet module install elasticsearch-elasticsearch --modulepath /vagrant/puppet/modules
- puppet module install elasticsearch-logstash --modulepath /vagrant/puppet/modules
- puppet module install saz-memcached --modulepath /vagrant/puppet/modules
Then https://github.com/gddk/vagrant-cent65-64-puppet/blob/master/puppet/manifests/site.pp installs and configures mysql, memcached, and graphite.
git clone https://github.com/gddk/vagrant-cent65-64-puppet.git
cd vagrant-cent65-64-puppet
vagrant up
When it's done provisioning, you can SSH to it with vagrant/vagrant at
It should have graphite already up and running
try with your browser