Pinned issues
- 1
- 6
- 3
iOS: Alarm volume does not fade
#267 opened by orkun1675 - 4
Notification kill disable
#298 opened by rahulinfibrain - 0
- 3
Need some help with ringstream listener and firebase.onBackgroundMessage
#269 opened by IkerCasillass - 5
- 4
Remove dependency on auto_start_flutter
#296 opened by TheSHEEEP - 1
Alarm Notifications Overlap Behavior
#295 opened by khaledmurtaja - 4
A must needed and very required stop alarm functionality needed other then Notification stop button
#291 opened by MuhammadHarisSiddiqui620 - 1
- 2
Vibration Not Working on iOS Devices
#289 opened by synstin - 7
- 2
ios error
#285 opened by BhautikVaghasiya - 28
- 1
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- 1
- 1
Error: The argument type 'bool' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String?'.
#280 opened by louwers - 0
White Notification Icon Issue
#278 opened by synstin - 9
- 3
add show notification parameter
#274 opened by Jef012 - 3
How to check for alarm stops when stopping from notification stop button? and onTap of Notification.
#244 opened by dhavalmnjtech - 0
My incoming alarms are ignored
#273 opened by muhammedelsepa3y - 1
alarm overlay screen on the phone
#270 opened by m-1226 - 1
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Alarm screen not getting displayed
#241 opened by sidali-dev - 2
- 2
v4.0.6 does not compile for Android
#260 opened by orkun1675 - 3
Error during upgrade to 4.0.6
#261 opened by kennethJeong - 1
Application Crash
#256 opened by rhaynel2024 - 9
when tap cancel alarm button so redirect to ring screen this is wrong
#259 opened by BhautikVaghasiya - 2
full screen intent problem
#245 opened by jys324 - 1
Alarm vibrate non-stop
#242 opened by loinguyen10 - 3
- 3
The alarm doesn't stop.
#254 opened by cho-4 - 1
- 2
v4.0.3 bugs
#251 opened by aykutuludag - 3
Android crashes on v4.0.1
#248 opened by aykutuludag - 5
iOS crash on v4.0.1
#247 opened by aykutuludag - 1
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On background alarm notification click app doesnot open AlarmRingScreen (any specific screen ) i am trying example code which is in this plugin
#235 opened by ArisChoice - 1
enableNotificationOnKill custom message
#240 opened by hafidzaini - 1
- 1
No Sound on IOS only vibrate
#238 opened by hafidzaini - 3
Custom notification Icon.
#237 opened by dhavalmnjtech - 0
#236 opened by Usama-Ahmad3 - 2
The alarm can't stop the audio file that was copied to the getApplicationSupportDirectory() path automatically.
#233 opened by pyjserv - 0
assetAudio only is sad
#229 opened by Anduin-Wrynn-work1