ECN HOS wrapper program. It generates following flow information from result file of HOS.
- Wave Elevation
- Flow Velocity
- Dynamic Pressure
It needs FFTW third party library. You can download FFTW library from
It requires HDF5 third party library (version >= 1.8.16). You can:
either download HDF5 library from
or install package libhdf5-dev on Ubuntu 16.04.1
How to compile FFTW library
1. Download FFTW library and Extract
2. ./configure --prefix=/DOWNLOAD_PATH
3. make CFLAGS="-fPIC"
4. make install
5. ln -s /DOWNLOAD_PATH/lib/fftw3.a /usr/local/lib/fftw3.a
ln -s /DOWNLOAD_PATH/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
How to compile HDF5 library
1. Download HDF5 library with Cmake and extract
download with Unix version
2. Add following lines in a file "HDF5options.cmake"
### Create install package with external libraries (szip, zlib)
3. Compile with the following command
ctest -S HDF5config.cmake,BUILD_GENERATOR=Unix -C Release -V -O hdf5.log
4. Check the library exists in a followng path
ls build/bin/libhdf5.a build/bin/libhdf5_fortran.a build/bin/libszip.a build/bin/libz.a
5. make soft link
ln -s ..../Cmake-hdf5-x /usr/local/lib/hdf5
6. Set HDF5_Library path in a "CMakeLists.txt" in Grid2Grid
set(HDF5_LIB_PATH /usr/local/lib/hdf5/build/bin)
Install Grid2Grid
There are two ways to compile Grid2Grid.
1. gnu make
2. cmake
It is recommended to use cmake instead of gnu make. Makefile will be deleted in a following update.
Installation using CMake
- Instllation without HDF5 library
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build
- Installation with HDF5 library (Add the flag: -DHDF_LIBRARY:STRIN="ON")
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DHDF_LIBRARY:STRING="ON"
cmake --build build
- Installation libGrid2Grid on the path $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN (Add the flag -DBUILD_OF_LIB=ON)
cmake --build buildOF
Have a look at
Installation using GNU make
- Path to Grid2Grid and run following command which you want.
: compile main.f90, it generates post processing program of Grid2Grid.
And main.f90 contains some subroutine how to connect Grid2Grid to Fortran Program.
make createlib
: make shared library( in /obj directory.