API for managing intramurals basketball league.
Setting up enviroment in Windows :(
Install pip for windows command line. I think it comes with python3.
Create project folder. Pull repository.
Create a virtual enviroment for the project. Run in Windows command prompt (probably in admin mode):
python3 -m venv env
This should've created a env\ directory with Include\ Lib\ Scripts\ . Start the virtual enviroment, run:
If everything is going according to plan (env) should be showing at the start of the new command.
LINUX: virtualenv venv //names the environment (venv)
Set enviroment variable.
Navigate to edit system variables (use windows search). Under user variables add new:
Variable name: APP_SETTINGS
Variable value: config.DevelopmentConfig
Since database credentials shouldn't be in a git repo, we will store them in enviroment variables.
Add following 4 variables and corresponding value:
Make sure to restart your windows command prompt app, otherwise variables won't work.
LINUX: start virtual environment ($source venv/bin/activate) call the bash script ($source ./activate.sh)
LINUX: Check environment variables ($printenv)
Install needed tools. Run pip installer tool against requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Check that it works locally:
python3 run.py
LINUX: close virtual environment ($deactivate)