
Firebase presentation for GDG Bogotá Android + Firebase codelab. Event page: http://www.meetup.com/gdgbogota/events/223938479/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Intro to Firebase

This slide deck can be customized to give an introductory talk about Firebase. It is powered by reveal.js, a wonderful and powerful framework for creating HTML presentations.


Here are some past presentations made with this desk:

Presenter Event Date Contact
David Cifuentes & Santiago Carrillo Bogotá GDG August 4, 2015 dev@gdgbogota.co
Mike Koss Seattle GDG April 20, 2015 koss@firebase.com
Jacob Wenger GDG Leads Summit May 27, 2015 jacob@firebase.com

If you end up using this deck, please let us know so we can share the presentation here!


This repo uses npm and Grunt to install dependencies, build the deck, run tests, and run a local web server for the content. To get started, run the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/gdgbogota/firebase-intro-presentation.git
$ cd firebase-intro-presentation         # go to the firebase-intro directory
$ npm install -g grunt-cli               # globally install grunt task runner
$ npm install                            # install local npm build / test dependencies
$ bower install                          # uses bower for polymer dependency

To build the slide deck and run the test suite:

$ grunt

To open the slide deck using a local web server:

$ grunt serve


Ideally, you'll want to run this on a public website for viewers to see after the presentation. You can use Firebase Hosting to deploy this presentation for free!

You can then view the slide deck at http://localhost:8000.