
Repository for the Cartesian Arm of the GPR-20 robot.

GPR20: Cartesian Arm

Repository for the Cartesian Arm group of the GPR-20 robot. This repository contains the files for the mechanical components associated to the axis supports.

Repository Organization

The repository is organized as follows:

  • IPT (./ipt/): contains the source editable files for the cartesian arm group components. These files are intended to be used in Autodesk Inventor.
  • STL (./stl/): contains the ready-to-use files for the cartesian arm group components. These files can be used in a slicer software to manufacture the components using a 3D printer.
  • Assemblies (./assemblies/): contains an assembly file to be used in Autodesk Inventor that illustrates how the parts are used together. A subfolder is also included to store additional miscelaneus files for the assembly.