
Yeoman Reveal generator template for Girl Develop It workshops.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

GDI Chicago Slides Template

These slides are built using Yeoman, with the Reveal generator. It will compile your Sass (located in css/source) automatically.

If you add a new Sass file that isn't a partial, you need to edit the Gruntfile. You'll see examples of where this change needs to be made.

Getting started

Download a zip of the tagged release you want to use. I always recommend the most recent, but there may be different versions.

Unzip the file and place the contents in the Git repo of the class you're creating.

This repository includes a .gitignore that you should really keep. Its contents:


Note: the bower_components folder isn't ignored. This is commonly ignored, but this template is designed to be packaged and uploaded as-is without any special tweaks (other than creating slides).

You should have npm and Sass (Ruby gem) installed already.

$ npm install -g yeoman
$ npm install -g generator-reveal
$ npm install

And then you're ready.


To add a new (HTML) slide:

$ yo reveal:slide "Slide name"

If you want to use Markdown:

$ yo reveal:slide "Slide Title" --markdown

To watch:

$ grunt server

To compile for distribution (slideshow folder):

$ grunt dist

End result

You should have:

  • a website in the workshop folder
  • slides in the slideshow folder