New Engineering Manager Curriculum

Supplies needed

Possible further reading

  • High Output Management by Andrew Grove
  • Peopleware by Timothy Lister and Tom DeMarco
  • Accelerate by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, and Nicole Forsgren
  • Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Jean Greaves and Travis Bradberry
  • Leading Snowflakes by Oren Ellenbogen

Slack groups to join

Newsletters to join


  • Meet weekly as a group for 1.5 hours (could be split up into 2 sessions)
  • At each meeting:
    • Discuss the latest reading
    • Have an open forum about issues currently facing the teams (what's been a leadership challenge over the past week?)
    • Pull a card from the 1:1 Manager Pack and dicusss each person's answer
  • Between each meeting:
    • Ask at least one question per week in a Slack group to get advice from others

Reading schedule

  • Start with The Manager's Path. Read 1 chapter per week
  • Move on to Resilient Management. Read 1 chapter per week
  • Read a few essays per week from HFUIYM
  • Pick further books as a group