
CS 123 Project

Primary LanguagePython


CS 123 Project

General Description of files:

All scripts are contained in the script folder. Our datasets are currently stored on google cloud, and are available on request.

Within the scripts folder, you will find a folder with our scripts used for vectorizing and implementing both the decision tree and random forest approach in the trees folder.

Additionally, you will find the entirety of the KNN approach within the KNN folder.

The LookUps folder contains initial scripts which were used to explore the data and examine how donor behavior has changed over time.

Finally, Extraneous contains extra files which were used for debugging our code and getting use to the Google console.

In cleaning up the repository, I apologize if I have interfered with any imports. I have checked to make sure I have not, but there is always possibility for oversight.

Of course, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact either of the group members.

Thank you again!