Diffraction model-informed neural network for unsupervised layer-based computer-generated holography.
X. Shui, H. Zheng, X. Xia, F. Yang, W. Wang, and Y. Yu, “Diffraction model-informed neural network for unsupervised
layer-based computer-generated holography,” Opt. Express 35(25), (2022).
The RGB-D datasets are from TensorHolography.
The code is organized as follows:
trains the selfholo.dataLoader.py
loads a set of images.complex_generator.py
is the target complex_amplitude generator.holo_encoder.py
is the phase encoder.selfholo.py
is the pipeline of selfholo.propagation_ASM.py
contains the angular spectrum method.perceptualloss.py
contains mseloss and perceptualloss.predict.py
predicts 2D holograms or 3D holograms.utils.py
contains utility functions.
python ./src/train.py --run_id=selfholo
We are thankful for the open source of NeuralHolography, HoloEncoder,and HoloEncoder-Pytorch-Version. These works are very helpful for our research.