
A collection of admin/model manipulation widgets for Open Bouquet JSSDK

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Admin widgets allow manipulation / creation of user based objects stored within the API.

Users Admin Widget

Renders a multi functional user manipulation data table where manipulations or modifications can occur based on current logged in privileges.

  • status : api status model
  • options :
    • fetchRecordsLater (boolean) : If set to true then user / group information will be fetched on instantiation rather than through the login model change event.

Modal View

  • Renders a given view into a modal. ".render()" needs to be called after instantiation to open
  • options:
    • view (Backbone view object) : View to be passed into the modal
    • fadeAnimation (boolean) : If set to true then a fade in / fade out animation will occur on the given modal (default false)
    • header : If set to true then a modal header will be rendered
    • footer : If set to true then a modal footer will be rendered


Renders the list of dimensions within the domain

  • filters : the filters model
  • options :
  • template : a custom Handlebars template
  • afterRender : called after render & when the widget is in a usable state