
Provider role for linux based traffic generator and other utilities

Primary LanguagePython

Role Name

This Ansible network role provides functionality to send packets from a host based on an input JSON of packet keys like source ip address , destination ip address etc


  • Ansible 2.6 or later
  • scapy python module

Role Variables

  • tgn_flows_filepath:

    • description:
      • This value is used to specifiy a file with flows info which will be used to send packets from this tgn. It is JSON encoded file with flows info like source ip, source port, destination port etc
    • example: templates/example_packet_dict.json
    • required: True
  • tgn_out_port:

    • description:
      • This value specifies a port on TGN which will be used to send packets from the device. This port should have L3 connectivity to DUT to send traffic for verification of service
    • required: True
  • tgn_l3_gateway:

    • description:
      • This value specifies default L3 gateway to send packets towards DUT.
    • required: True
  • tgn_wildcard_dest:

    • description:
      • This value is used to identify an internet host. A service (e.g. ACL) might be used to control access to internet. A destination ip would be 'any' in that case. traffic generator would use this value to verify access to internet is working as intended. This option is required only if your service has 'any' type of destination ip to be tested
    • required: False



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - { role: ansible-network.linux_tgn }



Author Information

Ansible network Team