React Boilerplate

This is a updated version of my v2 boilerplate for React projects, this new v3 now contains a bunch of new stuffs out of the box like Sass, ESLint, React Hooks, Redux and Typescript!

This project uses Redux Ducks pattern. More about this pattern on this link Ducks Modular Redux

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes, to do so clone this repo:

git clone <name-of-your-project>
cd <name-of-your-project>


Assuming you have all the Node.js and Yarn environment setup in your machine:

Let's install the dependencies


Running the application in development mode

To start your local webpack-dev-server run:

yarn run dev

Built With

  • ES6 - The programming language used for the Client
  • Typescript - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  • React.js - The UI library used for the Client
  • Yarn - Dependency Management
  • Sass - CSS Preprocessor
  • Webpack - Module Bundler
  • Babel - JavaScript Transpiler
