
linux can't make

Yurii-huang opened this issue · 3 comments

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [Deepin OS V20]
  • AppCUI Version [branch master]

Describe the bug

Hello, @Yurri-huang,

Please attach the log file AppCUI/build/vcpkg-bootstrap.log.

Usually the problem is self-explanatory in the log, for example:

root@e949772cd302:/home/repo/AppCUI# cat /home/repo/AppCUI/build/vcpkg-bootstrap.log
Could not find curl. Please install it (and other dependencies) with:
On Debian and Ubuntu derivatives:
sudo apt-get install curl zip unzip tar
On recent Red Hat and Fedora derivatives:
sudo dnf install curl zip unzip tar
On older Red Hat and Fedora derivatives:
sudo yum install curl zip unzip tar
On SUSE Linux and derivatives:
sudo zypper install curl zip unzip tar
On Arch Linux and derivatives:
sudo pacman -S curl zip unzip tar cmake ninja
On Alpine:
apk add build-base cmake ninja zip unzip curl git

Hello, @Yurri-huang,
As there was no follow-up regarding this issue, I'll be closing this.
Please don't hesitate to open a new one if any other issue arises or this one persists.

Thank you!