
Code of the STAGE module for video action detection

Primary LanguagePython

STAGE: Spatio-Temporal Attention on Graph Entities

This repository contains the train and test code for the paper STAGE: Spatio-Temporal Attention on Graph Entities for Video Action Detection



The required Python packages are:

  • torch>=1.0.0
  • h5py>=2.8.0
  • tensorboardX>=1.6


In order to train and test the module, you need pre-computed actors and objects features coming from a pre-trained backbone on the AVA dataset. Features must be organized in h5py files as follows:

Actors features

      |-> <clipID1_dir>
      |       |-> <timestamp1>.h5
      |       |-> <timestamp2>.h5
      |       |
      |-> <clipID2_dir>
      |       |-> <timestamp1>.h5
      |       |-> <timestamp2>.h5
      |       |

Each .h5 file should contain the following data:

  • "features" -> a torch tensor with shape (num_actors, feature_size, t, h, w) containing actors features
  • "boxes" -> a torch tensor with shape (num_actors, 4) containing bounding boxes coordinates for each actor
  • "labels" -> a torch tensor with shape (num_actors, 81) containing ones and zeros for performed/not performed actions

Objects features


The file should contain the following data:

  • "<clipID>_<timestamp>_features" -> a torch tensor with shape (num_objects, feature_size) containing objects features
  • "<clipID>_<timestamp>_boxes" -> a torch tensor with shape (num_objects, 4) containing bounding boxes coordinates for each object
  • "<clipID>_<timestamp>_cls_prob" -> a torch tensor with shape (num_objects, num_classes) containing objects probabilities for each class

For example, the objects features of the clipID '-5KQ66BBWC4' at timestamp '902' will be in


I3D actors features are available at the following links:

Each tar.gz contains a directory, which corresponds to the "actors_features_dir" root.

Faster-RCNN objects features are available at the following links:

Each tar.gz contains an h5py file, which corresponds to the "objects_features.h5" file.

The size of all the features is ~90 GB.

SlowFast features

You can find SlowFast features at the following links:

Note: These features are organized differently from I3D ones (you should write a specific dataloader or modify the provided one): each 'h5py' file is a dictionary, each containing keys in the format "<clip_number>_<timestamp>". For each key, the corresponding value is another dictionary with keys "boxes", "features", "labels", containing actors' boxes coorindates, features extracted from the last SlowFast layer before classification and ground truth labels for that specific clip.


Run python train.py using the following arguments:

Argument Value
--actors_dir Path to the train actors_features_dir
--objects_file Path to the train objects_features.h5 file
--output_dir Path to the directory where checkpoints will be stored
--log_tensorboard_dir Path to the directory where tensorboard logs will be stored
--batch_size The batch size. Must be > 1 to allow temporal connections
--n_workers The number of workers
--lr The learning rate

For example, use:

python train.py --actors_dir "./actors_features_dir" --objects_file "./objects_features.h5" --output_dir "./out_checkpoints" --log_tensorboard_dir "./out_tensorboard" --batch_size 6 --n_workers 8 --lr 0.0000625 


Run python test.py using the following arguments:

Argument Value
--actors_dir Path to the val actors_features_dir
--objects_file Path to the val objects_features.h5 file
--output_dir Path to the directory where the checkpoint to load is stored
--batch_size The batch size. Must be > 1 to allow temporal connections
--n_workers The number of workers

A "results.csv" file will be created under the "output_dir" directory, which should be used for evaluation as explained here

For example, use:

python test.py --actors_dir "./actors_features_dir" --objects_file "./objects_features.h5" --output_dir "./out_checkpoints" --batch_size 6 --n_workers 8