
An EsoLang omg! Documentation soon

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


AsciiFunc is an esoteric programming language, that consists of multiple commands, each represented with it's own ascii character. Commands can also have arguments: variables, numbers, bools, strings and pointers. Note that comamnds cannot be stacked, meaning you can't have an argument for a command be another command.

How to Install

For the Node.js interpreter (the only interpreter that is fully complete, as of now):

  • Download and install Node.js
  • Clone or download this repo
  • Go to interpreters/nodejs/ and open command prompt
  • Type npm install
  • After that, type node index -f path/to/your/asciifunc/file

(NOTE: as of right now, import paths are viewed from the location of the interpreter, this issue will be fixed in the future)


Name Arguments Description Example
~ path (string) Imports another asciifunc file, which allows for use of it's global functions and variables. ~("../std-asciifunc.ascf")
$ var name (identifier); var type ("str"/"num"/"bool") Declares a variable in the current scope. String variables default to "", number variables default to 0 and booleans default to false. $(my variable, num) $(variable2, str)
+ target var (variable); what to add (number or variable) If the target var is of type number, adds what's in the second argument to it. Otherwise, leaves the variable as is. (if the second argument is not a number, also does nothing) +(my variable, 5) +(my variable, variable2)
= target var (variable); target value (number or variable) If the target var is of type number, sets it to what's in the second argument. Otherwise, leaves it as is. (if the second argument is not a number, also does nothing) =(variable2, 10) =(my variable, variable2)
% var1 (variable); var2 (variable); var3 (variable); Compares var1 and var2. If var1 == var2, sets var3 to 0, if var1 > var2, sets var3 to 1, otherwise, sets var3 to -1. var3 has to be of a type number, while var1 and var2 can be any type. %(my variable, variable2, var3)
: target var (variable); target value (string or variable) If the target var is of type string, sets it to what's in the second argument. Otherwise, leaves it as is. (if the second argument is not a string, also does nothing) :(variable2, "Hello")
& target var (variable); what to add (string or variable) If the target var is of type string, adds what's in the second argument to the end of it. Otherwise, leaves it as is. (if the second argument is not a string, also does nothing) &(variable2, ", world!")
! target var (variable) If the target var is of type number, multiplies it by -1. If it's of the type string, converts it to upper case. Otherwise, inverts the variable. myString is set to "Hi!" !(myString) sets it to "HI!" myNum is set to 5 !(myNum) sets it to -5 myBool is set to true !(myBool) sets it to false
. target var (variable) If the target var is of type string, converts it to lower case. Otherwise, leaves it as is. myString is set to "HI!" .(myString) sets it to "hi!"
@ target var (variable); arg1 (number or variable); arg2 (number or variable) If target var is of type number, clamps it to arg1 and arg2. If target var is of type string, slices it from arg1 to arg2 (similarly to JavaScript's slice method) @(myString, 0, -1) @(myNum, -5, 5)
" var1 (variable); var2 (variable) Converts var1 to string (similarly to JavaScript's toString method) and stores the result in var2. If var2 is not of type string, does nothing. "(myNum, myString)
1 var1 (variable); var2 (variable) Converts var1 to number and stores the result in var2. If the result is NaN, sets var2 to 0. If var2 is not of type number, does nothing. 1(my variable, myNum)
# index (pointer) Goes to a command #index (aach command has it's own index, starting from 0 for the first command). index can be a absolute (examples: 5, 6, 12), pr it can be relative to the current command (examples: -5, +6, +3, -12) #(6) #(+3)
? var (variable); index1 (pointer); index2 (pointer) Checks if var is truthy. If so, goes to command #index1, otherwise goes to command #index2. ?(myBool, +1, -3)
< var (variable) Prints var <(myString)
> type ("num"/"str"/"bool"); var (variable) Gets user input, then converts it to a specific type and stores it inside var >(str, myString) >(num, myNum) >(bool, myBool)
/ function name (identifier); arguments (optional, any amount) Declares and opens a function. Each function has it's own scope. /(my function, s) <(s) \()
\ return value (optional, variable) Closes the function. Optionally, you can also return a variable /(helloworld) $(s, str) :(s, "Hello, world!") \(s)
| name (function name) arguments (variables or constants) var (optional, variable) Calls a function with a certain name, providing certain values as arguments. Additionally, you can store the return value for that function inside var |(my function, "Hi!") |(helloworld, myString)

Example Code

99 bottles of beer:

declare vars
$(bottles, num) $(lyric, str) 

set bottles to 100 - it will subtract -1 before printing
=(bottles, 99) 

begin loop
:(lyric, "") 
&(lyric, bottles) &(lyric, " bottles of beer on the wall, ") 
&(lyric, bottles) &(lyric, " bottles of beer") <(lyric)
:(lyric, "Take one down and pass it around, ") +(bottles, -1) 
&(lyric, bottles) &(lyric, " bottles of beer on the wall") 
<(lyric) :(lyric, "") <(lyric) 
?(bottles, 3)

truth machine:

truth machine btw this is treated like a comment

declare zero and ones to be accessed later
$(zero, num)
$(one, num)
=(zero, 0)
=(one, 1)

get input
$(input, num)
>(num, input)
@(input, 0, 1)

compare input (will output number)
$(inputCompare, num)
%(input, zero, inputCompare)

convert comparison to bool
?(inputCompare, +1, +3)

print 1 indefinitely

print 0


  • Python interpreter by @DexterHill0
  • NodeJS interpreter by @GDUcrash (me)